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Tuning a freshly-built Womp?

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#26 John Streisguth

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Posted 21 December 2017 - 10:33 PM

From the video going into the deadman on the king track, it looks like you might just be overdriving the car.  These things handle like crap compared to any flexi car.  But you may want to try the o-ring type fronts normally used on these cars, those big wide soft fronts maybe be problematic.


With a title like "topless womp gymnastics", I'm not surprised you had so many hits that quickly...LOL


#27 Dominator


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Posted 22 December 2017 - 10:32 AM

Make sure your guide spacing is set right. Looks like the front is getting too much bite. You can also try narrowing the tires.

A motor is only as fast as the chassis it's in.
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#28 btk


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Posted 22 December 2017 - 10:45 AM

From the video going into the deadman on the king track, it looks like you might just be overdriving the car.  These things handle like crap compared to any flexi car.  But you may want to try the o-ring type fronts normally used on these cars, those big wide soft fronts maybe be problematic.


This is true, to an extent.  They'll flip out like this if I'm not over-driving them as well but I probably pushed it a little harder than I would have normally to make sure it did it while the camera was on.  I'll take a look at changing the fronts.

Brian Keifer

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Posted 22 December 2017 - 10:46 AM

Make sure your guide spacing is set right. Looks like the front is getting too much bite.


Thanks.  Will try raising it a bit to see if that makes a difference.

Brian Keifer

#30 Brian Cochrane

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Posted 22 December 2017 - 12:17 PM

Make sure your guide spacing is set right. Looks like the front is getting too much bite. You can also try narrowing the tires.

Dom ,you are so correct.I said nail polish the front tires.I've raced these pieces of crap for years.That car needs a ton of weight put on the chassis.They all drive like that until you weight them down.also the guide flag has to be a little tighter but not too tight.How can I tell that the guide is not tight enough you say? trust me!With the front tires not nail polished the front tires are too grippy.Since the car has a short wheelbase you have to use the front tires just for keeping the car from tipping.without nail polish on the tires,the front tires are steering the car too much for the back end to properly follow.Also the snug turning guide flag will stop the back of the car to swing freely when coming out of a turn and the bank.It's easy ,see it's all common sense....

#31 Steve Adkins

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Posted 03 January 2018 - 10:35 PM

I figured lead would be my next step.   Thanks, Sam and Larry, for confirming my instincts.



What's your reasoning for a mini brute over the 16D?  Not doubting you at all, just interested to learn how the two differ and what makes one better than the other in this application.


Also, for what it's worth, I'm starting at 9/33 for my gearing.  

The Mini Brute and Hawk 7 are smaller and lighter than the 16D motors. The AWRA WOMPS typically are geared anywhere from 9/29 to 9/26. 

For more information on the AWRA, try these links: 





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#32 btk


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Posted 07 January 2018 - 09:22 PM

I wanted to close the loop on this one.


With the chassis bent, fronts nail polished (I may still narrow them a bit), the 16Ds swapped out for Mini Brutes, and approximately 17.4 pounds of lead between them, plenty of fun has already been had just since Christmas.


As a bonus, the nicely rounded rally bug bodies provide a nice bounce when they land on their roofs.  I'm sure we'll pick up a pair of Kremer-style or wedge bodies for them before too long to see what happens with a body that's actually helping the performance, but they're a blast as-is.


So, on behalf of a happy five year old (and his dad who has learned quite a bit), thank you al!

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Brian Keifer

#33 Steve Adkins

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Posted 22 January 2018 - 10:23 PM

If you plan to race your WOMP, you might find a lot of useful these links along with upcoming events. 







If you would like to have an AWRA WOMP event in at your local raceway or club, contact us at awrainfo@yahoo.com


#34 Steve Adkins

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Posted 28 August 2018 - 03:29 AM

A 16-D is way too much power for these little cars. As John said, the Hot Thumbs can handle it but it takes a lot of trigger control to use all that power. We ran Hawk Retros in these cars with Legends bodies. They were quite a hand full on Port Jeff's Hillclimb. The marshals got a work out. We are going to try the JKMB to calm them down a bit. 

I race in the AWRA and one of our most popular classes is the Sportsman class. The Sportsman cars are unbraced and run GTP/Group C bodies like the Parma Kremer Porsche.  That class is dominated by the JK Hawk 7. Our Outlaw Legends, GT-1 and Formula One classes usually use the Hawk 7 motor as well. The bottom line is ANY motor will overpower a WOMP chassis, but they sure are fun to race with those motors.

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