I dug this Shinoda Bullet - style Thingie body of out the dust.
Don't know where it came from or who pulled it. It's about 12 thou thick.
It is definitely not a Gene/Z1R body, but still a nice piece
I'll decal it, paint it, make a custom inline chassis for it, and put it up for sale.
Owner supplies parts, assembles, and finishes it.
Wheelbase 4 1/2". guide lead 3/4".
Rear wheel width 3 1/8", front width 2 7/8".
REHCO motor bracket for any FT-16D endbell drive motor (3/32 bushings will be supplied and soldered in).
Rear wheels .765" OD, 5/8" wide, overall width .775".
Front wheels 1/2" OD O-rings on 1/16" axle. (supplied and soldered on).
Clearances .050" rear, .032" front.
Any crown gear of 48P, 28T or less will clear .032".
Flag- Jet Flag or any with a deck height of 1/16".