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CMF3 'just for fun' chassis

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#1 Rick Moore

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Posted 27 August 2018 - 10:16 PM

CMF3 Just-For-Fun Chassis


I got the idea I’d start another thread here (collective groans noted) and post up some other chassis, in this case the ones that have absolutely nothing to do with any organized rule set for competition. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we all like to get together and have races; I rather enjoy it myself as well. But I also tend to like having utterly meaningless and pointless fun… an obvious character flaw I have no intention of changing...


So this thread is for some of those utterly meaningless and pointless chassis and cars. Some are revisits of old ones I’m blowing the dust off and getting running again, some may be all-new builds (I’ve got a large collection of bodies long overdue for chassis…), who knows… When it comes to meaningless fun, haphazard spontaneity is a key element to the entire process, or lack thereof…


Everybody say “B” and lip diddle.




Rick / CMF3

#2 Rick Moore

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Posted 27 August 2018 - 10:19 PM

1106; Dreaded Duel Axle


This one dates back to 2008, and is the subject of the most often asked “Have you got that… in your box” queries. Definitely not the first duel rear axle chassis, but it is one of the few where both axles are live. This is one of those screwball ideas a fair number of slot car geeks have had, but most having the good sense not to act on it. That ruled me out…


The 1106 was based on the previous 1104 design, largely because the 1100-series build-type, 0.010” brass sheet backed with 0.047” wire construction, made it a lot easier to install the screwy drive system... and that was all I wanted to have to think about on this thing…


And it had to be a truck. I mean, c’mon… just had to be…







That late night when I got the axles and drive gears in and they meshed up just right on the first spin… well… it was one of those weird slot car Zen moments…


Note To Self (and any other idiot thinking about building one of these):

If the chassis has lower clearance in the front than the rear, remember to set the forward-rear axle higher than the rear-rear axle so all four tires are the same diameter… because you didn’t do it on this one, dummy. Bad enough truing up two pair of rear tires, much less truing up two pair of rear tires with differing diameters… dummy…


A blast to drive, it handles like it’s on rails (gee, I wonder why…), and is high on the silly factor with a bit of cool as it runs around the track. Smiling is a side-effect.


Just keep truckin’…


Rick / CMF3


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#3 Bill from NH

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Posted 27 August 2018 - 10:27 PM

Neat looking truck Rick! Can you build a trailer for it? :laugh2:  :laugh2:

Bill Fernald
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#4 Rick Moore

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Posted 27 August 2018 - 11:16 PM

You know, I was thinking about it...

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#5 Dominator


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Posted 28 August 2018 - 08:01 AM

Great job Rick

A motor is only as fast as the chassis it's in.
Dominic Luongo
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#6 Rick Moore

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Posted 28 August 2018 - 10:24 PM

A206; One Thingie (Leads To Another…)


Another moldy-oldie, this one from 2009. I’d had this Shinoda Dart II body at the time for a while, and it finally just had to get a chassis based on what I was doing at the time, which was the 1213, so this is basically an open-wheel 1213 built to fit snugly under the Dart II. And I mean snugly.









I was building mostly anglewinders still back then, having not fully succumbed to the Retro-craze yet, and I just wanted to see if I could squeeze one under the Dart. It was pretty easy; it originally had a C-can motor in it, but on this re-set I’ve used one of a host of P-Dogs I’ve got, along with some other upgrades to the runny bits.


It’s funny; back in those days I was still using 0.047” wire for my all-wire chassis. The stuff looks as big as a horse’s leg to me now that I build my frames using 0.032” wire. And all those multi-bend wires. Sheesh! Obviously the product of a deranged mind.


I have to admit, thingies are like anime to me. I like them, yeah, I like a lot of them, you know, they’re cool, sure… But, the ones I really like… I mean, really like… I really-really like… (cue theme song “Tank”…)


And I really-really like this car. Still. What a great looking body. Even I couldn’t screw it up… well, not too bad... It looks fast just sitting there…


One thing I was not going to do was run a straight front axle through that body, instead opting for the more time-consuming four-bend front axle with fore and aft support struts. Well worth it.


And it handles great too; much better than I would have expected, then, and even now still.


Everyone should have a Thingie.


Matter of fact, I’m thinking I need another Thingie... somewhere around here I’ve got a Competition Asp body that is just dying for a chassis…


Rick / CMF3


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#7 Bill from NH

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Posted 29 August 2018 - 06:37 AM

A chassis in spandex!  :)

Bill Fernald
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#8 The Sawdust Man

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Posted 29 August 2018 - 06:38 AM

Very nice on both of them!

Robert Manzitti

#9 Rick Moore

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Posted 07 September 2018 - 10:10 AM

1212; Rewriting History (or somebody’s story…)


The 1212 is an all-wire (0.047”) chassis I built in 2010. It was an “afterthought” build (more “after” than “thought”), a contemporary “retro” legal version of another chassis, the 1004-R (that is also getting the cobwebs blown off it…), a vintage-style chassis I built in 2009 to resemble a pre-anglewinder 60’s chassis built by one of the regulars at my local track back-in-the-day… and that’s the short story…


At the time I was surprised how well the 1212 ran; race-worthy even; but it would quickly be supplanted by the 1218 and the subsequent 1219-series chassis…


But I still like the 1212… screwball looking thing…


Around the same time I got this Mercedes 300 SLR body, and one subsequent day of intense fiddling around I got the idea to match up the 300 SLR with the 1212… I mean, why not…


And there they have sat for years…


…until finally…




If you are one of those “purist” types who like their slot cars to be realistic right down to every tiny detail, you might want to stop reading now and close the thread. You’re not going to be happy... especially since this is not some “tiny” detail in this case…


This Mercedes 300 SLR was NOT going to be painted silver. Period. You’ve been warned…









Nothing is sacred… not in my world…


I like my slot cars to look like slot cars, and more precisely and more often to look like MY slot cars. So while the 300 SLR body got the sacrilegious CMF3 chevron paint scheme, I did concede somewhat to the “German-thing” and made it gold, red, and black… No apologies. Besides, I kinda like it...


Of particular silliness, on the 1212 you might have noticed the utterly useless five “aero” pans; these are shaped 0.010” brass sheet that were included on the chassis just because… you can fill in the blank here… my recollection is not wholly accurate, I only vaguely recall thinking it would be funny and/or cool looking to put in the three rear ones, and then decided to add the two little front ones while I was at it… I was probably bored at the time, or procrastinating something else I was supposed to be doing (kind of like now)…


All together at last, this thing looks like a motor boat going around the track. Cracks me up. And the rear end on that body… Holy cow! It extends 1.875” behind the rear axle; that’s even longer than my Retro 4.5” Stock Cars! Good thing it doesn’t have a spoiler back there. I’ll probably add a 0.024” wire sissy bar back there just to keep the enormous derriere from hitting the track; certainly won’t help with any downforce, as this body has none.


Swoopy looking though... with a big-butt. Too funny.


Rick / CMF3




As another word of warning to the “purists” out there, I have a Chaparral 2 body here I’ve designed a chassis for that’s high on my “wanna-do” list, and guess what color I will not be painting the Chaparral…

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#10 Eddie Fleming

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Posted 07 September 2018 - 12:07 PM

Using terms I know nothing about! :D


I like the body. It has a 1930s Art Deco look



Eddie Fleming

#11 Half Fast

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Posted 07 September 2018 - 12:52 PM



Who inspired your wire chassis? MC Escher? :)




PS: judging by the GRRR results they work well and you can drive them!

Bill Botjer

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#12 Rick Moore

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Posted 11 September 2018 - 03:45 PM

2005, 2204, 2104, and 2205; The WWW’s


The Weird Wire Womps, or WWW’s, are old by contemporary scratchbuilding standards; the front pan of the 2005 is 22-years old; they’ve also gone through various incarnations. For quite a few years the motors in them were Super-16D arms modified to shoehorn into C-can set-ups (from the days before S-16C’s were available); after way more track time and laps than I would have thought possible, those motors finally started to give up one by one, and the WWW’s would start collecting dust, one by one… until…


The WWW’s are scratchbuild chassis made to fit under those screwy misshapen Womp bodies that have the 1/32-scale 2.5” wide center section, but balloon out to a 1/24-scale 3.125” wide at the front and the rear to give wider front and rear axle/tire widths. I can recall one other body made like this (an Outisight “Jaguar” I think…), though there may have been more, but the two most often found were the Parma Kremer body, used here for the 2204 and 2205, and the Outisight C100 body, used here for the 2005 and 2104. None of these bodies are in production anymore, and they are far and few in between, if in fact any are still available out there anywhere. For this reason, though pretty well beat up, keeping the original bodies on these four was necessary…


The 2005 (aka, “The Green One”) was the last rebuild of the original WWW:







The 2204 (aka, “The Red One”) was the first WWW with an all-wire frame with semi-static front pans and framed dynamic side pans; the more observant will recognize this one from my slot car social media avatar:







The 2104 (aka, “The Blue One”) was a WWW version of the “H-cut” 1104 chassis, using 0.010” brass sheet backed with 0.047” wire:







The 2205 (aka, “The Purple One”) was another all-wire frame based on the 1205 1/24-scale chassis:







Group pics, L to R, 2005, 2204, 2104, 2205:







Resurrecting the WWW’s had to be done. Any one of these cars probably has more laps and good memories than any of the myriad of other slot cars I’ve had, and not just for myself but for others who’ve had fun with these things…


Some of those other slot car geeks are gone, but the memories remain, and at least so do the slot cars…


…for now…


…and now is always a good time to make more memories. Have fun, kids.


Rick / CMF3




I have four more Kremer bodies and two more C100 bodies. I foresee more WWW’s in my future…

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#13 Bryan Warmack

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Posted 12 September 2018 - 11:38 PM

   Always awesome and interesting stuff Rick!  Keep up the great work and thanks for the pics!! :good:

#14 SpeedyNH


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Posted 13 September 2018 - 04:28 PM


what I'd like to know is how they comparatively handled, being so different.


Steve Lang

#15 Bryan Warmack

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Posted 14 September 2018 - 10:29 AM

       Since this is "Just for Fun" I did just that several years ago when we were running 1/32's out here at BPR. An old Butyrate 1/32 Mini Cooper body on a scratchbuilt chassis with a Falcon 2 motor with no intentions of ever racing it.  Amazingly tiny compared to one of Ricks normal Retro cars and it runs amazingly well and you can almost drive it hard!  I just stacked a ton of weight on it and at 96 grams it weighs more than Ricks car!  I often take it to the track for a laugh!  :laugh2:





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#16 Rick Moore

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Posted 18 September 2018 - 03:45 PM

Speedy/Steve, oddly enough though different these four have been pretty equal, and they handle much better than people think. There was only one time all four were on the track at once, on the 200-ft monster Hillclimb that was at John’s Slot Car Garage on the day his wife Nancy held his “Slot Car Memorial”; the four of us were side-by-side neck-n-neck dueling around the track, laughing like a bunch of kids. (My non-objective favorite is The Red One, highly subjective, and based on memories more than performance).


Bryan, that is too flipping funny. I would probably break a rib laughing watching that thing go around the track. And if there were seven more at the same time… Might have to put one of these on my To-Build-O-2-It list.


#17 Rick Moore

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Posted 04 October 2018 - 09:27 AM

1402-01: Happy Chappy Time…


A new one, just out of the CMF3 Skunkworks. I definitely needed some time between the more “serious” designs and builds to do some pondering, which afforded me that time to piddle around and put together something “just for fun”.


I got this beautiful Chaparral 2 body from Victor/Truescale some years ago, and have had a lot of different ideas as to what kind of chassis I wanted to put under it. Of course there was the “jail door” idea, along with some of the other chassis types from the 60’s more appropriate to the “date” of the body; and there was also the notion of adapting a more contemporary design to fit under it. The thing is, I’ve already built those chassis at one time or another, and, while not specifically for this body, I really didn’t feel like doing something “again”. And that’s why it sat around for so long… until…


The 1402-01 chassis is a bastardization of various 1237-series design elements, in as much as it has a center main rail with flanking buttress rails, but the buttress rails run parallel to the main rail (instead of being angled as usual). The front axle rails are another story, being “iso-fulcrum” hinged structures which include the rear static pans forward of the rear wheels. And for more of that “old-time” appeal, the side pan structures with body mounts are “plumber” hinged (lateral, not longitudinal) to the front wings. In-line drive was chosen for simplicity (seems almost idiotic using that word on this thing). The framing would be “all-wire” using 0.032” steel wire. This was enough of a mish-mash of old and new to add that quirkiness I wanted, as well as being something I had not built before. Cool beans.


I couldn’t even use a normal alpha-numeric chassis identifier for this thing, instead relegating it to the 1400’s where all those weirder than the usual weird go to reside, hence the 1402 (with an -01 added in case I like it and get the urge to build another version to fit some other body…).




As I warned everyone on the 300 SLR post, the “purists” out there are not going to be happy. This Chaparral is NOT going to be painted white…


 - - - - - - - - - - -


Story Time:


Back in the 60’s at my local raceway, a lot of the Wednesday/Saturday night racers there had either a Chaparral 2E or 2F with a scratchbuilt chassis and some manner of structure supporting the cool-looking but utterly useless elevated wing these cars are best known for. We never raced them, for two reasons: one, none was considered a “race car” by any of us; and, two, the raceway manager thought that some of the wing strut structures were, to put it nicely, questionable (the actual term not being acceptable within the language allowed in this forum). However, on one Wednesday night after our racing, a couple of us started playing around with our high-winged Chappy’s, so the manager decided we should have a one-time-only short impromptu “race” with the things, just so we could say that we had done it. It turned out there were seven of us, three 2E’s and four 2F’s (my own 2F with a double-wind 26D), and all of them were painted white… well, almost all. One of the 2F’s was black; all black except for the white number circles. On the starting line it stuck out like a sore thumb. The guy with the black 2F would suffer a lot of jovial derision from everyone present for his color choice, which he took in stride, until finally commenting:


“Yeah, well, at least I know which one is mine.”


It was the last word, and a good one at that, receiving acknowledgement, accolades, a smattering of applause, and a lot of laughs. Anyway, if you’ve never seen seven of these things going around the track at one time you’ll have to take my word it is quite the sight to behold.


 - - - - - - - - - - -


So, about my not painting this Chaparral white… Yeah, well, at least I know which one is mine.


The first pic is during the chassis build, showing just after the center main frame and the iso-fulcrum mounted front axle rails framing were hinged together (and before adding the side pans), showing an exaggerated rotation at the iso-hinges (before adding the up-stop) for better visualization, and so you don’t think I was making this stuff up:





The completed chassis:









And all put together:









The “Anti-Chaparral”.


Hey, this ain’t the body painting forum. Or the vintage forum either. Ever since that night all those years ago I’ve wanted a black Chaparral; added various silvers for the sides and trim; left all the air venting clear, though it’s hard to see with the black. I added a modest ¼” high spoiler to the rear, just for that “yes, it’s a slot car” look.


Well, no doubt about it, the chassis is definitely one of mine. This thing was a lot of fun to build, a little challenging, familiar but different pulling in the ideas from a variety of builds, old and new. I hadn’t built an iso-fulcrum for a few years, so that was cool; opted to put the iso-hinge just behind the motor bracket. I originally intended this to have a 16-D power plant, but later changed it to use a FK motor, since I have a boat-load of leftover P-Dogs and HR’s.


Have fun!


Rick / CMF3


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#18 Bill from NH

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Posted 04 October 2018 - 10:00 AM

I was looking for one o.f your 3-color :Vee" paint jobs  on the Chappy. :laugh2: I've only ran a black body on light-colored tracks because that's the only place I can see one. :) Sometime in this "just for fun " thread can you repost your stockcar chassis with the, I think, '55 Chevy body? Just for fun! The photos here were some of those dumped by Photobucket.

Bill Fernald
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#19 Rick Moore

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Posted 05 October 2018 - 08:30 AM



Yeah, originally it was going to get some sort of tri-color chevron CMF3 livery, or maybe just some V-stripes, but, dang it, I wanted a BLACK Chaparral. I kind of like the way they “look” in black. I thought about the visibility thing too, then, in typical fashion, said screw it, and even painted the interior black. In for a penny, in for a pound.


As far as I know (and that’s not saying much) or can recall I don’t have a stock car like what you’re describing. There were some scratchbuilt drag chassis with an assortment of bodies quite a few years back, but I don’t think I ever posted those… I think… who knows… Does this mean I'll have to build one?  :laugh2:


Rick / CMF3


#20 Bill from NH

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Posted 05 October 2018 - 09:03 AM

I'll have to see if I can find that old article, either on here or OWH, sans-pictures. What caught my attention at the time, was that chassis was very different than your usual builds.

Bill Fernald
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#21 Rick Moore

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Posted 18 January 2019 - 11:18 AM

A224-01; You Bet Your Asp…


Greetings, culture lovers. And by “culture” I am referring to the less sophisticated type, in more controlled environments some agar in a petri dish having mold and bacteria growing on it, but in my case would probably be more analogous to something long forgotten in the back of the fridge that is no longer recognizable…


…a moldie-oldie…


This Competition Asp body I got from Victor/Truescale is another one that has been laying around here for longer than I can recall, proverbially lost in the “back of the fridge”. I have numerous chassis notes, doodles, and designs for the Asp body dating back as long, sporadically reappearing over the years. Last year I acquired some more vintage-type open-wheel car bodies (just what I need, more slot car bodies…), so once again I began the doodling and scribbling process for those bodies along with the Asp, during which I got myself an idea that stuck, so I decided it was finally time to get my Asp in gear…


…and that gear was a spur, the idea being to make the Asp chassis an anglewinder using one of the assortment of P-Dogs I have laying around. All previous design incarnations for this Asp thingie-thing had been in-line drive chassis; I guess I was working under the assumption an anglewinder would not be possible. I don’t recall ever seeing an Asp built as an anglewinder, which doesn’t mean it hasn’t been done, just that I haven’t seen one. So, with it being a little bit of a challenge and being somewhat in the nonconformity category, I decided this was the route to take.


As such, other than the Asp body, there would be no “vintage” consideration for this build. All the runny-bits would be contemporary. And the chassis design would be based on the current CMF3 1237-Series, having a rear/drive assembly loosely based on the 1254’s, a center main rail with flanking articulated buttress rails and medial adjacent front axle rails, and, as is de rigueur with pretty much all my builds these days, framed using 0.032” wire.


I kept thinking during the build that it’s been quite a while since I built an anglewinder. I know there are numerous folks who are of the opinion anglewinders are much harder to build than in-lines, but I’ve never been one of them… and we’ll leave it at that. Also, I don’t believe I ever got around to building an anglewinder frame in 0.032” wire before this one, odd as that seems even to me, but also shows how long it’s been since I’ve built an anglewinder. Who’d-a-thunk. Anyway, I had fun building this chassis, and that’s really what it’s all about.


The more consuming thought during the build was how I would do the front axle, a decision I delayed until the chassis frame was built so I could see exactly what I had to work with and weigh my options accordingly. The easy way out would be to set a straight front axle on front axle uprights; the more challenging and aesthetically pleasing ways would be to build a multi-bend front axle, or truncated front axle with risers extending from the chassis frame outside the body (in other words, something along the lines of how I’d done the front axle on the Shinoda Dart II). Sure, the original Asp had a straight front axle, but that only made the other options more appealing. I opted for the most complex one, what else…


Let’s face it, the Asp was always cool looking. I never had one back in the 60’s, but I think everyone I knew that did have an Asp would invariably overpower them, with the inevitable result being some spectacular launch. Admittedly, the Asp even looked cool flying through the air, like some sort of slot car missile. Unfortunately, some landings would result in varying levels of disfigurement or outright damage, so that a lot of the “cool” factor had been replaced by the “maybe that wasn’t such a good idea” factor. This historical memory loop played rather persistently in my head during this build, along with the often cited quote by George Santayana…


So, why am I bothering with this? I kept telling myself I’ve got a slew of designs in the 1237 Series that need to be built…


Need. That was the word that did it for me. I am generally unenthusiastic to being told by others that I “need” to do something, and certainly have little receptiveness to my own inference to such. Screw it. I “need” a just-for-fun build to sort of clear out some of that pseudo-serious muck between the pinnae. Something ridiculous, pointless, utterly meaningless…


You know, just to put everything back in proper perspective…


The perspective on the Asp came out like this:





















Whenever I have only one body, and little chance of getting another, I always keep telling myself, “Don’t screw it up, don’t screw it up, don’t…” Well… I didn’t screw up the paint too bad, but I can tell you I sure tried…


Specs for the those who like that stuff: Wheelbase is 3.875”, rear axle to guide pivot is 5.00”, making the guide lead 1.125”; width at rear tires 3.25”, and at front tires 3.22” (just as a matter of “perspective”). Predictably a lightweight, the RTR car weighs in at 70.6 grams… Okay… That’s even less than predictably... Should rocket through the air nicely. At least the landings will be softer…


The Asp is still cool looking, even after fifty-plus years. Or maybe it’s because the kid inside really hasn’t changed all that much during that same span. Probably why we all still get a kick out of playing with slot cars. Silly rabbits.


Rick / CMF3


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#22 Dominator


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Posted 18 January 2019 - 12:16 PM

Awesome build Rick!

A motor is only as fast as the chassis it's in.
Dominic Luongo
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#23 Eddie Fleming

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Posted 18 January 2019 - 01:38 PM

An Asp anglewinder, isn't that blasphemous or something?


Love it. :)  

Eddie Fleming

#24 Bill from NH

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Posted 18 January 2019 - 02:44 PM

Nice build Rick!. It's the first AA I've seen. How does it go? :)

Bill Fernald
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#25 Rick Moore

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Posted 24 January 2019 - 11:10 AM

Thanks for the kind words, guys. Got to Fast Eddie’s last night, and got the chance to give the Asp some laps around the tracks… This thing handles pretty friggin’ good, way better than I expected (admittedly, without having a replacement body, and about nil chance of getting another one, I didn’t try to find its limits, not wanting to wall or launch the Asp). And aesthetically the Asp is still one of the coolest looking slot cars going around a track. An icon of silly pointless meaningless fun with hyperbole. Gotta love it.


Rick / CMF3




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