Don, I have setup some Womps and Flexis for the new guys that want to try it. I have slowed down both these types of cars with 15k and 21K Chinese motors and gearing. Womps (16k) are a little slower and a good place to start. Silicone tires and added weight. The Flexi's have the 21K motors and are faster, but with the improved handling they are still pretty easy. I won that bunch of anglewinder gears on Ebay a few days ago, so I am thinking of going back to 10 tooth pinions and the 33 spurs. That should be pretty fast but not fast enough to fly.
The hard bodies I have run on the local track also do fine. They may be a little faster, but they are geared for higher speed; All in all it's working out pretty good.
So far I have only run with a few of the guys one at a time when they happened to stop by. This week we are going to schedule a race afternoon/early evening. We figure to race every other week. On the off week we will race on the Tunkel oval and dragstrip at another local guy's house.
All these guys are retired and the age factor and distance was an issue with driving the 30 some miles to the track south of Louisville. Now we can be within 8-10 miles for everybody and be home before dark.
I do wish I had made this track with 4 1/2, even 5 inch lane centers. We run 3 1/4 rear tread width. I have dropped that to 3 inches on the cars I have exclusively for this track.