Vintage racing in New Jersey
Posted 22 July 2019 - 02:24 PM
- Silver Fox likes this
Ray Carlisi
Posted 22 July 2019 - 07:53 PM
Hi Ray, we will also be racing 36D powered anglewinder cars as many of our group have them, so bring yours to our next race. Once we get enough cars we will have our first race with them. And even though i completely understand your points made about the vintage era motors in the other anglewinder chassis, like i stated before- i tried this class in the past, and everyone's cars had a variety of old motors in a wide variety of conditions, and the cars were too mismatched. I am merely trying to use the new motors, which do fit and work, as evidenced by the green car pictured which i built about 15 years ago, maybe longer, and it still runs great. I say this- let's give it a try and see how it goes.
Glenn Orban
NJ Vintage Racing
NJ Scale Racing
C.A.R.S. Vintage Slot Car Club
Posted 05 September 2019 - 04:28 PM
Nice Glenn, you won't loose that out on the track while racing. I used to use a lot of yellow or white with a contrasting color for the same reason.
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.

Posted 05 September 2019 - 05:13 PM
Now that's what we should be running in Retro. Excellent color choice by the way!
What is the make and model of that body?
Jay Guard
IRRA Board of Directors (2022-Present),
Gator Region Retro Racing Director (2021-Present)
SERRA Co-Director (2009-2013)
IRRA BoD advisor (2007-2010)
Team Slick 7 member (1998-2001)
Way too serious Retro racer
Posted 05 September 2019 - 10:15 PM
Jay, I think that's a JK Ferrari 612. Not a nrw vintage body, I've had one for 10 or 12 years.
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.

Posted 06 September 2019 - 05:45 PM
yes it is a JK, i would have to look for the header card for the exact model. Actually i think that this body is too long front and back, i prefer the bodies on my other vintage anglewinders, more like a McLaren (?), older bodies that i don't know the models anymore. I did track test the car, and it performs perfectly! Still not sure if we should race with this ProSlot motor, so i will have to track test with the JK Minibrute for comparison.
Ok vintage fans: time to staret building some cars. I know that there must be a lot of period 1970 anglewinder chassis out there that just need to be cleaned and assembled into a track ready car- again!
- Pete L. and Peter Horvath like this
Glenn Orban
NJ Vintage Racing
NJ Scale Racing
C.A.R.S. Vintage Slot Car Club
Posted 06 September 2019 - 08:53 PM
1960's vintage: Bought chassis from directly from Jim Russell, 1968; found body in a dusty
almost forgotten corner of a lot of stashed stuff I've kept from my 60's-1970's MESAC days.
Russkit 1/24 Porsche 906, all vintage stock except tires/rims which are Pro-tracks.Body is
a Lancer Butyrate clear.
- hiline2, Lou E and MattD like this
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 06 September 2019 - 09:37 PM
With the Internet, E-Bay and patience one can eventually find anything. Way back in 1972 when I was a member of MESAC Lee Stokley built me a custom sidewinder chassis that fit a poorly done clear plastic McLaren M8D- great chassis, lousy body. Two years ago while cruising the Internet I found in Germany a partially detailed and painted but nice fiberglass/carbon fiber 1/24th Mclaren M8F body.
Problem was the seller didn't ship to America. Fortunately my son who lives in London, UK with his German born wife contacted her mother who kindly bought the body, having it shipped to her Frankfurt home from which she shipped it to my son in London who then shipped it to my Eugene, OR home. Added more decals, fashioned a driver figure from a Fujimi kit, mounted the body on my old MESAC chassis, and, voila! a nice 1/24th accurately modeled Mclaren slot car. Races in Pelican Park Speedway's USRRC/Can Am class.
- Lou E likes this
Requiescat in Pace