Dear Pablo,
It's very clear ! Many thanks, Yves
Posted 27 February 2019 - 10:45 AM
Dear Pablo,
It's very clear ! Many thanks, Yves
Posted 27 February 2019 - 02:28 PM
Looking at the add/drawing there is something that does not sit correct to me.
If you look at the pin tube body mounts they seem to be soldered to the main chassis and the floppy side pans. Would this not lock up the hinge and not allow the side pans to pivot.
What am I missing here? maybe its just a drawing and it does not have to work.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 03:08 PM
Looks to me like there is no hinge on the pans, period. The only hinge is the drop arm.
Paul Wolcott
Posted 27 February 2019 - 03:31 PM
The text even says the outriggers are hinged, but the drawing shows the pin tubes soldered to both the outrigger and the brass
main strip rails. Their draftsman might have been a half bubble off plumb when he drew it.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 03:40 PM
Dave, thank you for picking up on the drawing mistake also. It should show a down stop out at the side pan NOT a solder joint. A "joint" may have added to the artist confusion
It may also suggest that the sketch artist was not looking at a real finished chassis when he drew it just a suggestion from the production team?
Had another thought. If the rods were in fact thin piano wire. That would allow the Sloppy Sam's to move. Maybe they are just drawn too heavy. The down stop is still controlled by the placement of the hinge soldered back on the flat stock of the main chassis.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 04:39 PM
Whoever drew this sketches doesn't have the skill & experience of Tom Daniels, if you recall his Car Model chassis sketches. The chassis sketch would work well if the pintubes weren't soldered at the main rail strips & wire down keepers were placed on the pans going over the ends of the drop arm hinge wire. I think we have a sketch here with a little too much artistic freedom. I still have a question in the back of my mind whether or not this particular chassis was ever sold.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 04:50 PM
The search for a 463 is on
Posted 20 March 2019 - 05:26 AM
After all that, and being equally mystified by the chassis, and trying to get Yves to trade me the second one (already used), turns out I have a 461 in its Dynamic bag, that I had totally forgotten about!
Here it is, along with a contemporary Mura chassis, since I stored it in the same box...
Posted 20 March 2019 - 02:19 PM
Don, there was someone in the Midwest who sold a number of 461s for a couple year on ebay about 5 yrs. ago. He might have used the name apache or apache1000 for his eBay sales, but I'm not sure of that. I think your Mua labeled chassis was made by AYK. I don't remember the F1 version, but I've seen that chassis used as the centersection for sports car chassis having either sheet brass & brass rod solid pans. I remember these chassis because they have the funny bent droparm. I've intended to try that on a build, but I haven't yet.