Jerry 'Boogie Man' Wyant's impressive two-box pit set-up was built by Robert 'Sawdust Man' Manzitti about 1991, and was patterned after a old Fuller Brush serviceman's box.

Colorado's Rowdy Walling works from one of Boogie's earlier boxes. He says this is the first slot car box Sawdust Man ever made.

Here's proof the yellow box is Boogie's and not Rowdy's.

Old man Rick Bennardo's been racing for a few years, as the box plaques prove.

And as usual with kids, Ricky Jr. just had to have a bigger box than the old man's...

Jim 'Tater' Leezer seemingly hasn't figured out that a neat pit is the sign of a slow racer. Tater, you'll probably go faster if you'll get a bit messier.

I must have snapped this pic right after Taylor Davis set his pit up. His pit never looks this clean and neat if he's been working in it.

Thom Greene's well-organized pit. He's the exception to the 'messier is faster' dictum, as his pic spot is almost always pretty sano.

Willy Custer's two-tier set-up contains any item a winning slot racer would need and he's not afraid to use them!

Rick Starkey's solder-encrusted towel in front of his pretty blue boxes attests to the fact that he races a lot.