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Controller evolution

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#26 Jim Difalco

Jim Difalco

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Posted 30 March 2019 - 07:59 AM

Here are a few controllers from my past. The first is my version of the Gorski frame controller. This was originally made with an internal resistor. The ball bearing pivot uses a brass tube that has a screw threaded through the frame along with braces to keep it from snapping off. The trigger is hand made with brass tubing and a nylon insert. It is probably from around 1974 or so.


old controllers 003 (600x800).jpg


This next picture is what is left of my Cotton external resistor controller. I am pretty sure I had this at the Bicentennial race at Joel's. I can't remember anything about the handle but you can see that it had 2 external resistors mounted in a box that sat on the track panel. The cinch plug allowed you to switch to different resistance boxes. The very long cable to and from the box added a lot of resistance and made the controllers feel like a higher ohm that they were labeled.


old controllers 011 (800x600).jpg


This last design is my first attempt at an electronic controller. You would connect your controller to the brass studs then plug in a small control wire to drive the transistor signal. Very close in layout to today's controllers with the heatsink sitting on the track panel. This never got past a prototype. Early 1990's vintage.


old controllers 017 (800x600).jpg


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Jim Difalco
Difalco Design
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Jensen Beach, FL 34957
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#27 Guillermo Suar

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Posted 30 March 2019 - 10:54 AM

This is my personal home made version of the Omni. I made it by the time these controllers got to Argentina. Mid 80's I believe.

The switches can eliminate half or the complete diode bridges individually to adjust response so you can basically turn it to an on/off switch. Original version had two additional switches for brake settings which I replaced with a rheostat later.





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#28 mark


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Posted 31 March 2019 - 07:11 AM

Some pretty cool old school controllers.Let's see some more.

Mark Heckman

Electric Dreams Online Shop