Our next Vintage Race will be Thursday April 18 at: The Race Place, 1151 Rt 33, Farmingdale, NJ 07727 732-938-5215. Raceway opens at 6pm, closes at 10pm. $5 race fee, track open for practice until racing starts. first race at 7pm on The Red Lightning track.
Currently we are racing production chassis inline 36D powered cars from the mid 1960's. Our second class has been the American Line 36D powered kit cars with Sportsman or hot rod bodies as sold by REH Distributors. If anyone is looking for a kit you can get them from one of our racers Dom Roselli from Dom's Raceway in Cream Ridge, NJ, which is our other raceway location.
Our schedule right now is: the 3rd Thursdays at The Race Place, and the third Saturdays at Dom's Raceway, alternating months. As more racers become involved, we will move around to other raceways.
We are close to adding 2 more classes:
- jail door: any vintage or new jail door chassis with Falcon, TSRF, Mini Brute motors (**note- this is not a Retro Jail Door race. Those will be raced quarterly at The Race Place and at Dom's Raceway and will be announced on the Retro forum)
- anglewinder chassis- any vintage production or scratch built chassis, motors to be announced. And this may become 2 classes: 36D powered and new small can motors.
Many of our racers already have these cars ready to race, or nearly ready, so if you plan to attend and have cars in the above 2 classes, please bring them.
And more classes being discussed and will be raced in the future:
- the Classis Classique: any Classic car
- Thingies: any and all Thingies, production or scratch builds
- AMT Hardbody: original or re-issue AMT brass chassis, street/stock car model kit or promo AMT body, 36D motor.
I just tested one that I am nearly finished building with a re-issue chassis, AMT motor, re-issue AMT Mercury Marauder body and it performed well. I tested it with silicone coated foam rears and next will switch to Pro Track foam rears to see which is better. I find that many of my vintage cars actually handle well with soft silicone rears, either vintage Candies or new coated Pro Tracks.
As we are discussing these and more classes from the past, the old cars are making their way back in the pit boxes and to the tracks, getting dusted off, oiled and new rear tires mounted for track testing. Bring along any vintage era cars that you may be interested in racing and when we get enough cars we will add them to our schedule.
Thanks to all who have attended our first 2 races of this season. If any other raceways wish to be part of our Vintage Racing series please send me a pm to discuss it. There is also the C.A.R.S. Vintage slot car club that meets on the first Thursday night of every month at The Race Place for all things related to all scales and eras of vintage slot cars: collecting, restoring, track laps, discussing, etc. Find more information in the club forum.
See you at our upcoming races