Our June Race at Motown is just a couple weeks away. Here are some reminders and setup ideas along with a few other things.............
We are racing on 06/23 which is a week later than normal due to skirting Father's day.
This will be a four race day with the 4th race being Stock cars on the Korkscrew.
Race order.....
- Can Am on Hillclimb
- Pro Coupes on Hillclimb
- F-1 on Korkscrew
- Stock Cars on Korkscrew
Day before 06/22 schedule:..........
I plan to be at the track all day on the 22nd. I'm available all day to help with tuning and setups.
This will be the time for me to fix a broken something or help you tune something. Race day is not ideal for these things.
In addition: I'm hoping for a visit from famed SoCal racers Mill Conroy and Phil Nyland who will be on their way to Sonoma for the Nascar race.
They will just be messing around and are great sources of info if you have questions about SoCal racing or about Mills' tire products.
Future races.....................Just a quick note here.
- The Purple Angel at FTH is reportedly up and running so the remaining races for this season will go as originally planned.
- Be thinking about whether you like racing on the Kingleman at all. For the future, this could be a very good venue for Stock Cars.
Setups and tuning:
Can Am.........Hillclimb
- Retro Hawk @ 9/28 is always my starting point. Adjust according to your motor/car
- Car weight of 105-110 is usually good
- I always start with JK or Alpha Big Full Hubs....occasionally I like a small hub or treated.
- Lola or TI-22 bodies both seem to be equal although some cars will be better one way or the other.
Pro Coupes on Hillclimb:
- Big Dogs in Pro Slot setups: Usually gear 8/38-39
- Big Dogs in JK setups usually 8/40-42
- I tend to run treated tires for coupes about 1/2 the time.
- REMINDER: X-12 arms and/or Neo magnets are not allowed and no mulligans will be issued.
- NEW BODIES: There are new Coupe Bodies from Red Fox. They are not allowed until full availability and approval. No mulligans! Do not show up at tech with either of these.
F-1 on Korkscrew:.............Not much new news here:
- I generally start with my Mini Brutes at 8/28 and will test 8/29-30 or 7-27 as well.
- Small hub tires seem to be the best generally although big hub sometimes good too. Brand doesn't matter. I'll often narrow tires.
- Car weight of about 120 gr. is good. I have one exceptional car at 112 gr. but it's an unknown over the longer term.
- Matra body is the 90% go to although the old Lotus 49 with lower downforce can also be good. Non wing bodies are also just fine.
Stock Car on Korkscrew:.......we don't do these often but are often our most fun races:
- I'll often gear the Mini Brutes at 8/29 or 7/27
- Do not agonize about your motor.....if it runs, it's fast enough.
- Tire are very important and can help minimize the chatter off the corner that is endemic with these cars.
- I'll often start with big full naturals only to end up with bigger hubs, treated, or even Wonder rubber depending on the day.
- Starting point for weight here is about 140 gr and don't be afraid to go heavier.
- I almost always run these with at least 20' of controller choke.
Final Note on race day procedures and etiquette:
- NorCal Retro Racing is very much of a club atmosphere and everybody co-operates to help get the day done.
- Everyone is helpful and willing to pitch in whether they are on track or not. Even if you are not in the race, please help out your buddies.
- We'll probably schedule two classes of Tech at once so please try to be ready. Ex....tech for Can Am and Coupe at same time.
- Naturally, I understand critical commitments such as family affairs, dentist appointments, funerals and brain surgery schedules etc. However, if at all possible try to stay the course so everyone can have a good day of races.