Here's a pair of motors that, when seen apart, may look pretty much the same. On the right is the familiar PS "minican", sometimes lumped-in with the "fk" motors, although the size is a bit larger in height and width, and the fk motors have a metal "end cap" that sits flush with the can end. On the left is basically an "FC130" type, that sits somewhere between the two, and is a version for model cars.
The FC130 has a plastic end bell retained by two side tabs, although this version had an end bell that is somewhat different from the typical generic Mabuchi FC130. The FC130 has the smaller height and width as the true "fk" motors, but is significantly shorter in length. Because of it's "fk" height and width, minican end bells can be used, but need to be trimmed to fit. After doing that, you wind up with a motor that is significantly smaller than the minican when you see them side-by-side. Here, both motors got a set of the "poly-neo" magnets, but again, the smaller size of the FC130 makes it necessary to shorten those in length. Overall, I think the side-by-side photo makes the size differences pretty apparent.
In the case of both of these motors, I did armatures that are "kind of similar" to the 1/32 eurosport stuff. Both got a 40/28 with approximately 20 degrees advance (*the FC130 arm is a few degrees under 20). The PS minican arm is around .300" long, while the FC130 arm is around .250" long. In both cases, the stack length made using a longer com a cinch, which is a good thing here.

A "mini" and a "more mini"
Posted 06 October 2019 - 06:59 AM
- slotbaker, Pablo, miko and 5 others like this
Posted 06 October 2019 - 10:33 AM
I forgot to mention that, as in the "fk" motors, the "FC" can is of the same one-piece type construction. Usually, the generic FC's back end is plain, but the one shown has some nifty louver-type cuts. I think the FC is also formed from a slightly thinner steel than the mini-can.
Posted 06 October 2019 - 10:37 AM
That 1/4" long stack version might turn a few revs...
- havlicek likes this
Yes, to be sure, this is it...
Posted 06 October 2019 - 11:03 AM
That 1/4" long stack version might turn a few revs...
Hi Geary,
For sure, these type motors are geared more towards the revs than torque, but the smaller one should spin a little faster. The "larger" one has a few degrees more advance though, so they should be fairly close.
- boxerdog and Geary Carrier like this
Posted 11 November 2019 - 08:46 AM
This little fc-sized motor was a standout surprise in this last group of motors. Generally speaking, you get to expect what a motor will be like based on type and wind. Not having done many of these, I was kind of unsure...mostly about heat, and especially in such a closed can design. While a 40/28 is nothing to snicker at, on a .250" stack and with a set of the ployneos, this thing runs dead-smooth, VERY fast and doesn't seem to get all that warm at all.
I gotta dig through my "pile" and look for another fc candidate!