these are not mine, but they do illustrate some of the beautiful paint they had back then. Its like a one step candy. You can see the gold in the color especially in the green and red. Take a look at the inside sometime.
Not sure how they got such good results in a production setting.
Funny how colors connect us to memories.
So true. Smells, too.
Example: one of the (many) uncles on my mother's side had a big set-up in the basement of his house. This was in Connecticut, before 1964.
I would have been 6 or 7 at the most, so I have very little recollection of it. I remember only a couple of things: the room was fairly dark; the cars were pretty large (so I would have to guess they were 1/24); the track was a light color, so I bet it was wood; us kids weren't allowed to touch anything and there was an odd, warm oder to that place. I know what heating oil smells like, and it wasn't that same oder, so I can only guess it was the oil they were using on the cars.
When the new freeway was being built, that house was right where the on ramp was going to go, so the place was sold and torn down. I know that set-up didn't re-appear in their new house, so I can only guess it went to the dump (as we called it back then) along with the rest of the structure.
Thinking about it now, I can almost re-create that strong smell; and in doing so, can "see" that set-up in my mind's eye. What I wouldn't give for a couple of photographs...
Mark (now) in Oregon