You can get a small amount of banking with Scaley flat corners by raising the outside of the corner slightly... If you want more banking, you'll need Scaley banked corners.
Posted 11 December 2020 - 10:55 AM
You can get a small amount of banking with Scaley flat corners by raising the outside of the corner slightly... If you want more banking, you'll need Scaley banked corners.
Posted 11 December 2020 - 12:17 PM
Have fun. I bought a Scaleletric set for my grandson when he was 8. The interest was about 10 minutes before he was back with the video games.
Same thing here. My 7, 8 and 10 year old grand kids only race on my routed HO track when I make them. They never even look at it otherwise.
Posted 11 December 2020 - 01:44 PM
Many years ago...(1974-75) I had a big AFX 50+ foot 2 lane track that my 2-3 yr. old son played with.... What I did was let him run my Magna traction and later G Plus cars but I had several stock controllers and stacked up Popsicle sticks under the trigger so he could not go full throttle and as he learned how to drive I would take one stick off so he could go faster. Yeah it heated the controller up but they where stock ones so I did not care.
He got real good as he learned.
Barney Poynor
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 11 December 2020 - 10:37 PM
I'm still learning about plastic track. Foam tires get zero grip so I removed them from my Mini-Cooper.
Just as an experiment I put a pair of EJ's #15 rubbers on both rims and trimmed/trued them
Now the Mini scoots around the track like crazy
I have a couple more little cars I'll convert to rubber. Next up is a JK 1/32 GTP car
Paul Wolcott
Posted 12 December 2020 - 12:57 AM
Welcome to the world of silicon and urethane!!! NSR and Slot It rubber is your friend!!!