Talking about Crossovers, Engleman, plastic track, whatever..... seems to result in different opinions depending on when we ask the question. Coming to some hard conclusions about slot car tracks or classes of cars is like nailing jello to the wall. What's popular transitions and changes over about 3 or 4 years time. 6 years ago it was all about speed. And really that was it. Now appearance is important and the plastic track guys have a voice.
King tracks used to be unquestionably the track you had to have if you wanted to be taken serious. King is still King but the gap between the King and the rest has become more narrow and can you believe some actually have plastic track in their commercial raceway. All of that will change again and we who have bought tracks have to be agile and able to gently adjust to the undertoe and tides. So Jim isn't a fan of the Engleman. Probably not alone but it's a good day for Engleman overall right now. That may fade but a track just north of me has only had a 220 ft Engleman all this time and is doing as good or better today than I have observed in years past.
So the only absolute is that there isn't going to be many when it comes to viewpoints in the world of slot car racing. Prepare to change gears....everything I thought I knew yesterday will be invalid next week.