It hit me that we look at that and start criticizing it by our standards rather than just finding joy in someone having built that incredible track and all the folks that had fun racing on it.
Back in the 60s we did not care that much for the American tracks. We loved the Quirky ones that were too big to see and really tested your ability to the max. Those were fun. I refer to EMMRA , 500 ft around and you did not go super fast , you negotiated your way around it to survive. You could not see what was really happening in the back parts, it was more instinct. Another was Cliffhurst raceway in Wilkes Barre where some turns were chicanes that demanded you get into a single file to make it through. Those tracks were challenging and we had more fun than any king track. After those, King tracks were like for babies.
Any very hard tracks to drive we should just call Ursaner's
I know you aren't on FB, but this track has really resonated with the guys on Slot Racing Oldschool Club.
That page has a lot of members, but it looks like the (frequent) posts on there, average about 50 likes.
This one has had 308 likes in approximately 24 hours.
I guess Howie gets top billing, over the other 307 people, because after all, it's an "Ursaner". Lol
Mike Swiss
Inventor of the Low CG guide flag 4/20/18
IRRA® Components Committee Chairman
Five-time USRA National Champion (two G7, one G27, two G7 Senior)
Two-time G7 World Champion (1988, 1990), eight G7 main appearances
Eight-time G7 King track single lap world record holder
17B West Ogden Ave., Westmont, IL 60559, (708) 203-8003, (also my PayPal address)
Note: Send all USPS packages and mail to: 692 Citadel Drive, Westmont, Illinois 60559