Posted 24 September 2008 - 01:41 AM
To Whom it may concern,,,,,,,,I know Im last to post but finally got a couple minutes to sit for a moment.Five and half hour flight (boy are my arms tired) back,and didnt miss one moment of CNN,the financial meltdown,Ike oh my! When I came off the plane I was actually pissed at 4:30 in the aft. it was 90 degrees paid the exit fee and apexed La tuna canyon at 4600 rpm in the Civic home in 12 minutes got to love it.Big thanks to Al and Tish for playing tour guide and taxi to & from airport.Trip couldnt have gone better,from building the retro to actually racing it .Was everything I expected,never did any tweeking on the car except putting it thru the Dremel diet and loosing 20 grams .Race weight was 123g it didnt launch,the motor bracket bent and the front axle came off.Al was pitting and we laughed as we resurrected the Comet machine.I tried to stay out of everybodys way and didnt cause any accidents and had a blast.The car was actually pretty fast just not strong enough and not very forgiving.Best part was seeing all you "mugs" again.Hangin at Elmsford with the boys and meeting some new faces.....priceless,Thanks to Lou & Barbara for holding on to the torch,to Noose and Tony for their dedication,to Mr. Carlisi for filling in the blanks,proud papa Ray Kalio,the Jersey boys,my heroes Sandy and Bob Emmot and our hero of the day Mr Wasserman smooth as ever.................Thanks again Al