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Inaugural Petite Sebring Four-Hour enduro results

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#26 Cheater


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Posted 26 October 2022 - 01:42 PM

As can been seen from the above info, things were pretty close through about the first nine heats, with every team leading at least one heat. Then some of the teams starting having trouble. I didn't have time to make any notes about who they were, but a couple of teams had gear troubles that were easily repaired. Team Daytona had a rear ball bearing come completely apart, likely the result of crash damage, and they spent a lot of time in the pits getting that fixed.

Teams were allowed to make the mandatory motor change (under power-on conditions, remember) in either heat 12 or heat 13, and that accounts for a bit of shuffling of the running order in those two heats.

The nighttime part of the race began in heat 19 and problems with their lights impacted Pinellas Park and Winter Garden greatly in the closing six heats, as both teams had partial or full failures of their fiddly-to-install Slot.it lightweight lighting kits. Without lights, it was not possible to race and that's why these two teams dropped back so much in the closing heats. We also discovered that a 1-1/2 min break between heats was a little short during the nighttime segments, so the race director got a litle free-form with the intermission lengths.

The Melbourne team assumed the lead after heat 5 and was never headed, leading the last 20 heats, although it was not a commanding lead until later in the race. A couple of other teams were in the hunt if Melbourne had had any trouble but they didn't.


Melbourne averaged 170.8 laps per heat, compared to second-place Daytona's 161.8 average.

Fastest laps for each team:


Melbourne: 3.018 secs

Daytona: 3.069

Pinellas Park: 3.019

Winter Garden: 3.129

One of the nicest things about the Petite Sebring was how none of the racers even so much as raised a voice at the marshals, although a few of them had to be alerted to cars off in their corners. And there were very few riders ending with big bangs.

A big shout-out has to be directed to Marilynn Guard, Jay's lovely wife, who stayed up late the night before preparing the terrific food: three kinds of scrumptious croissant sandwiches, a seven-layer Mexican dip, a big pan of yummy iced chocolate brownies, and a big batch of her superior chocolate-chip cookies better than you can buy anywhere (I've been eating them for years...).

I don't think I've ever attended a more pleasant and enjoyable slot car race in my life. And I believe all the racers would agree with that sentiment, as evidenced by the fact that almost all of them handed Jay more than the entry fee he had requested. If anyone who was invited wouldn't come to the next one, they can post here to tell us that. Bet we won't hear a single discouraging word...

Pics of the racers and the podiums in the next post.

Gregory Wells

Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap

#27 Cheater


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Posted 26 October 2022 - 01:55 PM



Here's all the racers, missing only Marcus Ramos, who had promised the missus to return by a certain time and when we ran a bit late, he had to head out. Don't these guys look pretty happy to have just spent four hours racing slot cars? Or maybe they're just happy it's finally over?


L to R, Josh White, Rick Moore, Ralph Josey, Terry Tawney, Jeff Bonanno, Dennis Demole, Jay Guard, Eddie Hoffman, Dale King, Danny Zona, and Grant Goerner.




The winning Melbourne team: L to R, Terry Tawney, Dennis Demole, Josh White.




The second-place Daytona team: L to R, Grant Goerner, Jay Guard, Danny Zona.




The third-place Pinellas Park team: L to R, Rick Moore, Jeff Bonanno, Eddie Hoffman.

Gregory Wells

Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap

#28 Cheater


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Posted 26 October 2022 - 02:15 PM

Jay and I planned to stream the enduro using his late-model iPhone via Facebook Live. Well, we'd never done that before and while we initially got it set up to work properly, there were a couple of problems.


First, knowing the iPhone's battery would not last for the whole race even if we started with a full charge (which we did), we plugged a charger into the phone to take care of that problem. For some unknown reason, maybe a connector issue, the phone was not being charged and atter a few hours in it died, killing the stream. When we got a charging cord that worked (thanks, Marcus!), the restarted stream was sideways. Facebook warns you that a stream cannot be re-oriented once it's running, so I tried to kill the sideways stream and restart it with the proper orientation. I thought I handled that issue, and actually tested it from the track, but the saved recording says not. I'll embed it below anyway.


Second, we cobbled together a camera mount atop Jay's tripod using some Dale Earnhardt Jr beer coasters as spacers along with some very strong double-stick tape. About two-thirds of the way through the enduro, the beer coasters split in half horizontally, killing the stream again when the iPhone hit the floor, thankfully with no damage. Sigh. So there's a third segment of the enduro stream, which I did get oriented properly.

We'll do better next time. I promise!

Gregory Wells

Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap

#29 Cheater


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Posted 26 October 2022 - 02:19 PM

Gregory Wells

Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap

#30 Cheater


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Posted 26 October 2022 - 02:21 PM

Gregory Wells

Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap

#31 Cheater


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Posted 26 October 2022 - 02:23 PM

Gregory Wells

Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap

#32 Danny Zona

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Posted 26 October 2022 - 06:18 PM

We had a lot of fun.

Jay's slot car room is so cool. I'm hoping Jay will adopt me and I can live in it.

I'm definitely looking forward to the next race there.

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Test, test, test, and go test some more.
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#33 Cheater


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Posted 26 October 2022 - 06:46 PM

No chance for you, DZ. I have first dibs as his long-term dedicated track moving roadie and SRT guru...

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Gregory Wells

Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap

#34 RodneyZ


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Posted 26 October 2022 - 09:27 PM

I’m hoping Jay or Cheater will adopt me!!

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Rodney Ziemek

#35 Cheater


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Posted 26 October 2022 - 09:47 PM

You mean you're getting tired of driving an OTR truck? Say it isn't so...

Gregory Wells

Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap

#36 RodneyZ


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Posted 26 October 2022 - 09:53 PM

No, I’ve got a real addiction!!!

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Rodney Ziemek

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