Basic black is hard to follow on the track.. Cool on the shelf and in the garage, but... it needs something like graphics, color, a splash of something.
Even if just florescent numbers and a stripe.
Yeah, I would love to paint for you.

'The Goat' - Pablo custom stock car
Posted 13 April 2023 - 11:00 PM
- Pablo likes this
Jairus H Watson - Artist
Need something painted, soldered, carved, or killed? -
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Posted 14 April 2023 - 01:05 AM
I like the 1970 "Judge" model in whatever they call the light orange colour:
- Pablo likes this
Posted 14 April 2023 - 08:50 AM
OK Jairus, thanks. I'll be in touch when it's ready to send.
Paul Wolcott
Posted 18 April 2023 - 10:34 AM
Looks really nice Pablo. I rarely use my tumbler unless I'm restoring an old grungy chassis.
Could you please do a quick elaboration of the "Bill cleaning method"?
Rick Thigpen
Check out Steve Okeefe's great web site at its new home here at Slotblog:
The Independent Scratchbuilder
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Posted 18 April 2023 - 11:13 AM
Thanks Rick. Bill from NH always says back in his day they didn't tumble, they just used SOS pads. It works of course.
On this chassis I soldered the BB's home in the beginning. That required daily cleaning a la dc-65x instead of depending on the tumbler later on to clean off the crust.
I like trying new methods, what can I say? Just trying to be dc-65x
- Bill from NH and NSwanberg like this
Paul Wolcott
Posted 19 April 2023 - 09:03 PM
Assembly begins with final wheel OD adjustments, clearances, ride height, etc.
I wanted .063 rear clearance and about .050 front. That's why I gave the tongue a slight tilt.
Flag is a modern H & R, looks like a Parma or a Jet Flag, eh? One Koford spacer below, braid is modern .022, brass clips are old style Parma.
This setup gives me front wheels elevated on a flat block just enough to compensate for track braid recess.
Changed my mind on front wheels and used rare Steube Stabilizers with twin O-rings trimmed to about .720. Rear rubber is soft fish at .820.
Both axles custom trimmed to size and polished. Very little excess meat, as usual.
Ball bearings are sweet enough to detect an imbalance of the gear due to the stock grub screw being heavy. Swapped it for a Koford Gold Billet hollow, now it is balanced
- Jairus, Tex, Slot Car Rod and 1 other like this
Paul Wolcott
Posted 20 April 2023 - 09:16 PM
Motor snugged up to the Weaver bracket, piece of cake. Pre-tested under power to verify all is happy before soldering
Attachment points were already acid tinned so paste flux works neat. At the expense of some endbell smudge, I soldered the EB plate to the top of the bracket and wire brace. Zero tolerance for motor wiggle with this beast. This isn't the type setup where gears and motor can be removed easily. If I didn't get it right it will be painful
Great care was taken to ensure lead wires won't foul, especially on the drop arm spring wire
Paul Wolcott
Posted 20 April 2023 - 10:26 PM
Looks good to me!
- Pablo likes this
Jairus H Watson - Artist
Need something painted, soldered, carved, or killed? -
Check out some of the cool stuff on my Fotki!
Posted 21 April 2023 - 02:39 PM
Nice and neat.
- Pablo likes this
Rick Thigpen
Check out Steve Okeefe's great web site at its new home here at Slotblog:
The Independent Scratchbuilder
There's much more to come...
Posted 23 April 2023 - 11:48 AM
Thanks guys Body trimmed, harpooned, and washed. Nobody I know of sells a thinner lighter interior than Boogie (5 thou) so I soaked the paint off one and Jairus has free rein to perform his magic on my JK Goat. When it returns from Oregon I'll install Warmack mirrors.
Meantime, I took a Bill Pinch painted GRC body out of retirement and fitted it as a test monkey for track test #1
- Jairus, Jencar17, Tim Neja and 2 others like this
Paul Wolcott
Posted 23 April 2023 - 02:35 PM
That one is definitely gotta be easy to see on any track. Can't hardly wait to see what Jarius does. Did you say that the one you're building already has a home?
Posted 23 April 2023 - 06:54 PM
Not yet John. But that could change at any moment.
Paul Wolcott
Posted 28 April 2023 - 07:19 PM
I tested the car today on Bill Pinch's flat track and the oval. Perfect. Motor is a rocket, runs cool temp, gearing perfect, smooth, handles great. No changes needed. Bill ran it on the flat track for about a dozen laps. Whoo-hoo he had that thing rockin', zero deslots. Test complete
- Tim Neja, Slot Car Rod and olescratch like this
Paul Wolcott
Posted 02 May 2023 - 07:11 PM
The body looks sharp. Should really stand out on a race track.
- Pablo likes this
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.