Don, as far as specs go....
The only specs I have are on the 6 volt motor's box and as you can see, they used a red marker to cover up the 12V! The front of the box had the 12 scratched off and restamped 6 also. There is a very noticeable difference in wire gauge of course.
The 6V has a brighter copper wire over the 12V model and I also see the 6V has a white felt oiler over the drive end bushing opposed to the 12V's green felt.
I find it interesting how tiny the brushes are in these large motors.
Here's a shot of a NOS package of brushes and springs. Notice they come with shunt wires attached to the brass arms. The "huge" brush I laid on the package, for size comparison, is a stock Parma 16D brush!
Holy cow, Don, your eBay LSR car has given me the giggles.
It no doubt stuck terror in many a youngsters' mind back in its day!