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Checkpoint Cup 2011

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#26 The Bugman

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Posted 14 January 2011 - 03:25 PM

Gary and all the others who judged concours everyday,for all 8 races did a great job,
and i agree with Gary that someone who paints & details HIS OWN cars deserves better recognition than A STORE BOUGHT PROFESSIONAL job ,,,,,JMO
Oscar Morales
Requiescat in Pace

#27 68Caddy


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Posted 14 January 2011 - 03:49 PM

Oscar what are you trying to do? I think lot of us like Noose paint jobs and other guys great paint jobs?
I hope that you are not trying to say we should only run body's that we painted? :shok:

- Gabriel
Nesta Szabo

In this bright future you can't forget your past.
BMW (Bob Marley and the Wailers)

United we stand and divided we fall, the Legends are complete.
I'm racing the best here at BP but Father time is much better then all of us united.
Not a snob in this hobby, after all it will be gone, if we keep on going like we do, and I have nothing to prove so I keep on posting because I have nothing to gain.
It's our duty to remember the past so we can have a future.

Pistol Pete you will always be in my memory.

#28 Mopar Rob

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Posted 14 January 2011 - 04:59 PM

Oscar what are you trying to do? I think lot of us like Noose paint jobs and other guys great paint jobs?
I hope that you are not trying to say we should only run body's that we painted? :shok:



I'll bet you can paint with an airbrush if you just try.

Go buy a bunch of old non-competitive clear bodies off of ebay cheap or in a discount box if your raceway has one and practice masking and painting them.

Try painting the darkest color first and if that isn't possible than back the lighter color with silver before applying the dark color.

Look at the white Ti22 with the blue you got from me.

-I masked where the blue was going to be and sprayed the white paint
-Toped with silver, pulled off the masking
-Painted the black lace on the clear
-Sprayed the blue candy paint
-Sprayed silver over the entire surface
Trust me it's not a big deal ;)

Rob Hanson

Shops at Mid-America Raceway and uses R-Geo Products

Rob was right!

#29 HarV Wallbanger III

HarV Wallbanger III

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Posted 14 January 2011 - 05:00 PM

Thanks to all that made this race special! Here are a couple of pics for you to see.
Checkpoint 3 Howie and Gene.jpg
Checkpoint 3 The Gang.jpg

Barney Poynor
Requiescat in Pace

#30 Keith Tanaka

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Posted 14 January 2011 - 06:02 PM

Oscar what are you trying to do? I think lot of us like Noose paint jobs and other guys great paint jobs?
I hope that you are not trying to say we should only run body's that we painted? :shok:


No, we're not saying that Nesta. Noose has taken himself out of the Concours awards for the regular Retro East races. He doesn't want
to dominate the concours podium and discourage others from painting their own cars. We need to get as many of the racers as possible to paint
their own cars while still allowing them to run a Noose, Mac, Billy Bob, AlienArt, Warmack, etc. body. Hopefully, the great body painters will inspire
the rest of us to improve our painting skillsPosted Image

KeithPosted Image

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#31 68Caddy


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Posted 14 January 2011 - 07:20 PM

You are so right about that Keith, I need to stop saying that I can't do it or I dislike lexan body's to paint.
I sure would love to pick a Concourse car next time, and I sure will look over it with a good eye. ;)
I hope you guys know that I was pulling your legs? :laugh2:
Either way that was way to easy to do. :D
Gary you should know that I was messing around! ;)

- Gabriel
Nesta Szabo

In this bright future you can't forget your past.
BMW (Bob Marley and the Wailers)

United we stand and divided we fall, the Legends are complete.
I'm racing the best here at BP but Father time is much better then all of us united.
Not a snob in this hobby, after all it will be gone, if we keep on going like we do, and I have nothing to prove so I keep on posting because I have nothing to gain.
It's our duty to remember the past so we can have a future.

Pistol Pete you will always be in my memory.

#32 Bryan Warmack

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Posted 15 January 2011 - 11:57 PM

As a painter bad or good, :D but get real what is this stuff about the most "Most Realistic" STUFF? :laugh2:
Oh it might be the buddy system in works? :D
Artistically very few that I would have picked. :laugh2: Sorry about being so frank (Who Is Frank anyway?) but as a paint slapper as
myself I did not find any thing interesting in those choices?
Sorry I think I would have picked a better one. ;)
Oh well its all about taste and I guess it could be argued all night long?
Heck just look at their clothing's and their shoes, and they now how to judge concourse? :laugh2:


SAY WHAT????!!!!! Nesta, I think it's time we brought the "MUZZLE" out again!! Please note that this little apparatus can also double as a convenient disguise that will enable you to not recognize yourself in all the race photos!! A perfect "MUZZLE/MASK COMBO" for Slotblog and at the track. DO NOT REMOVE!!:laugh2:

Attached Images

  • DSC03879.JPG

#33 68Caddy


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Posted 16 January 2011 - 12:24 AM

OH NOW I'M back to France? :shok: The twin Kings and I was in the in the prison under the castle, I can still feel the pain! :unsure: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Three Musketeers! Click here
Sorry a little tread drift that is common here! ;)

- Gabriel
Nesta Szabo

In this bright future you can't forget your past.
BMW (Bob Marley and the Wailers)

United we stand and divided we fall, the Legends are complete.
I'm racing the best here at BP but Father time is much better then all of us united.
Not a snob in this hobby, after all it will be gone, if we keep on going like we do, and I have nothing to prove so I keep on posting because I have nothing to gain.
It's our duty to remember the past so we can have a future.

Pistol Pete you will always be in my memory.

#34 Mopar Rob

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Posted 16 January 2011 - 09:53 AM

SAY WHAT????!!!!! Nesta, I think it's time we brought the "MUZZLE" out again!! Please note that this little apparatus can also double as a convenient disguise that will enable you to not recognize yourself in all the race photos!! A perfect "MUZZLE/MASK COMBO" for Slotblog and at the track. DO NOT REMOVE!!:laugh2:

Hey, that was my idea for Nesta. I'm just not as fast of a metal worker as you. I was stuck at how to attach it, but like your chain idea.



Rob Hanson

Shops at Mid-America Raceway and uses R-Geo Products

Rob was right!

#35 Bryan Warmack

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Posted 16 January 2011 - 12:29 PM

Hey, that was my idea for Nesta. I'm just not as fast of a metal worker as you. I was stuck at how to attach it, but like your chain idea.



The sharp little rusted areas around the eyes and mouth are good also!!:laugh2:

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