I say all systems go!
3,2,1 run'em...
If we can get 4 or more it can be an "Unlimitied Heavyweight" spin-off class.
Posted 08 July 2015 - 11:21 PM
I say all systems go!
3,2,1 run'em...
If we can get 4 or more it can be an "Unlimitied Heavyweight" spin-off class.
Posted 09 July 2015 - 01:05 PM
Hey guys,
All this monster motor talk has me all fidgety. I'm a fan of "more and bigger is better."
Let me start off with a couple questions....
What amperage is available on a power supply dragstrip?
Are the power supplies protected?
The reason I ask is, I'm thinking of projects like an 8 motored DC70-6 with a common driveshaft thru two blocks of four motors in a bus or truck.
AND, I'm also working on this motor for an unlimited car.
This is a Pittman 9002 boat motor with a few mods.
I'm making aluminum end frames to replace the plastic frames and to adapt an end bell from a RS540 size R/C motor.. Ball bearings will be installed.
The arm is a rather aggressive wind, 16 turns of triple 23.5 awg, originally meant to run on 7.2 volts.
(Epic Ruby)
I epoxied and tied the wires, turned the comm and soldered down the tabs, factory balance checks good to me.
The 540 arm is a bit smaller than the Pittman, .906" compared to .940. The resulting air gap will be .034".
To counteract the reduction in magnetic force, I found N52 neo magnets that will fit the lam stack nicely.
Here is a shot showing similar arm size and a couple in process shots of the motor construction. I'll post more pics later when the end frames are completed.
I guess the big question is this too much arm?......or not enough.......
Posted 09 July 2015 - 02:10 PM
Holy cow you've been busy Robert.
That should move the whole strip move back 1 inch before the car moves off the line. ...
I didn't know you had 'machine' shop capabilities.
So that's what is under the 'boat' motor cover.
I thought the 27t\/22w I'm messing struggling with was hot. That triple is way ...
I'll ask Bill what the amp rating is on the strip PS and if it has overload protection.
Have to bring a catchers mit to stop it, wouldn't want to break the plate glass.
Posted 09 July 2015 - 02:29 PM
Posted 09 July 2015 - 03:34 PM
Track will handle that wind. Keep it coming.
Posted 09 July 2015 - 04:49 PM
The Raceway's drag strip is 75 amps per lane (w/large capacitor), .... assumed internal overload/overcurrent protection.
Posted 09 July 2015 - 04:57 PM
That second one looks very scary David, kind of like an early atomic bomb...
If this category goes ahead, I'm actually thinking of sending in my AC motor powered special - would that work?
Like the Manhattan Project..... ? ?
Don, ... it works for us
Posted 10 July 2015 - 09:22 AM
I am pleasantly surprised that the "elephant motors" are creating so much interest!! Building a workable car around them is then next chapter, I guess.
Posted 19 July 2015 - 10:32 PM
I can report that my mega-motor Henry J is well in excess of 347 grams. I have a few minor details to complete and I will post pics. Test runs will also follow, I am just hoping for an A-B run, as they say. Not sure at all, but I think that 2 flat would be fine.
Posted 26 July 2015 - 11:51 AM
Hey guys,
I got the Epic 9002 together, possibly for the last time.
Quite a challenge to assemble correctly, the neo mags make it tough to center the arm in the laminations. It would tend to pull the arm to one side and the few thousandths slop between hardware and holes would let the arm bind in the ball bearings and the cogging (big time) would be click, CLICK, click, CLICK, click, CLICK per revolution.
I found that wrapping the arm in masking tape until it was the same diameter as the lamination bore would properly center the arm, allowing the motor to go together correctly.
The pink endbell looks terrible, so I tried dying it in RIT dye for a half hour and it just would not soak up the dye.
With the stock 9002 boat magnet, it would wrap up to scary rpm's. With the 12X stronger neo's, it tamed down the R's and gained HUGE torque. Think I'll start with about 1.5:1 gearing.
Here are a few shots
Posted 26 July 2015 - 12:33 PM
Posted 26 July 2015 - 02:33 PM
My first effort is sorta done. Will test later today maybe....I used a vintage Kemtron chassis kit just because, and a CLW train motor. Please keep in mind that this isn't on the level of some of the "slot porn" that a lot of you guys are capable of, nothing exotic here!!
Posted 26 July 2015 - 03:20 PM
Amazing, all ..... It's all slot porn to me.
Bob, that may have been a 'boat' motor but now it look like a 'space' motor.
Those are used to close the air-lock doors on the ISS ... aren't they..?
I don't mean to sound too forward but .... "can I have that?" Or the machine shop that helped...
David, if you put a pull hook on it I'll ask Bill if we could drag a cinderblock down the track .
Posted 26 July 2015 - 06:20 PM
Will do!! Some kind of pull-off would be cool.
Posted 27 July 2015 - 01:06 PM
I'm not positive as to what I'll be putting this motor in, at the moment I'm lookin' at the creepy Chinese school bus I picked up.
It measures right at 11" x 3" and it looks like the motor will squeeze in sidewinder style.
This will be for the unlimited class so it may end up as a rail instead.
NO! It's mine
But, I will let you drive it
Heck, you don't need a whole machine shop, just access to a small mill and basic tooling.
Your Henry is ultra cool, I loves it
Posted 27 July 2015 - 01:19 PM
Here's a question I have about the Monster class.
Would we still be limited to a 3 1/4 " width?
Here's a shot of why I ask.
This is a 1/25th scale Ford C-600 kit.
My plan is to use two Pittman DC-105A's mounted vertically with the brush ends up on the stake bed.
It should look like a couple of motor/generators are being delivered.
Slow, heavy and monstrous. But, it will be nearly 4" wide, even in it's 1/25 scale.
Posted 27 July 2015 - 04:51 PM
Oh heck the lights are gonna dim now !!
Posted 27 July 2015 - 05:03 PM
Multi-Monster Class - max width = 4.25"
That would be 102" scale inches .. the US Highway legal limit without special permitting.
Typically oversize farm equipment is exempt if traveling between fields.
If anyone wants to build a tractor with a combine/harvester mounted please contact me in advance...
Posted 27 July 2015 - 08:24 PM
Here's a question I have about the Monster class.
Would we still be limited to a 3 1/4 " width?
Here's a shot of why I ask.
This is a 1/25th scale Ford C-600 kit.
My plan is to use two Pittman DC-105A's mounted vertically with the brush ends up on the stake bed.
It should look like a couple of motor/generators are being delivered.
Slow, heavy and monstrous. But, it will be nearly 4" wide, even in it's 1/25 scale.
Bob, you could always do inline 4WD!! All I can say is WOW!
Posted 27 July 2015 - 11:05 PM
OK ... brain teaser.
If Pitt Man mounts the motors on the truck using the rear motor (2) to drive both the rear gear and the front motor (1) as a 'generator'.
Motor 1 as the generator is wired to have the output as an input to motor 2 as the drive motor -
Will the truck keep going after the track power is taken away?
Posted 28 July 2015 - 08:38 AM
No. Unless it is sufficiently downhill.
Posted 28 July 2015 - 09:38 PM
OK ... brain teaser.
If Pitt Man mounts the motors on the truck using the rear motor (2) to drive both the rear gear and the front motor (1) as a 'generator'.
Motor 1 as the generator is wired to have the output as an input to motor 2 as the drive motor -
Will the truck keep going after the track power is taken away?
Maybe, until it hits the end of the strip...
Perpetual Motion slot car...hmmm...might be more cooler if you could get it to work on an oval or road course...
Tom Hemmes
Insert witty phrase here...
Posted 28 July 2015 - 10:01 PM
I actually had someone tell me they figured out how to keep an electric car's batteries charged. Just attach an external fan to a generator to charge them. He was serious. Still refused to accept the laws of physics even after I explained it to him.
You can't fix stupid.
Posted 19 October 2017 - 04:34 PM
My first effort is sorta done. Will test later today maybe....I used a vintage Kemtron chassis kit just because, and a CLW train motor. Please keep in mind that this isn't on the level of some of the "slot porn" that a lot of you guys are capable of, nothing exotic here!!
Calling all Hank, come in please.
David, U-gotta send that one in.... Too COOL of a build.
In memory of "Hank the Crank" ...maybe?
WFO (?)
Posted 20 October 2017 - 09:44 AM
Hank...as in Henry J kind of a nickname.
I gotta see if that car had A-B issues or if it was just slow. It got put in a display case. That is usually not a good sign. If it won't make a clean run, it could do serious damage to whatever it hit.
I promise I will look at my proxy drag stuff this weekend and see what wiil fly.