I thought posting here in "The Cars" thread might be fun since the following pictures are of the entries after completing nine races! That is quite an accomplishment.
While I am looking over each and every car, I won't be posting pictures of all unless the there is a good reason for me to. That said, all entries will receive an exam, cleaning, tire cleaning and application of Zip Grip plus bearings oiled if needed. Special attention will be applied to the bottom 8 cars from the last race, especially if they preformed below expectations.
First up "The Needle" which came in last place after accomplishing 85 laps at SpeedZone Raceway.

Brushes look good, motor spins up easy on the test bench.

But it was the testing that revealed the problem. Nobody read Brian's note and I take responsibility for not contacting Jay and Mike to ensure the axle got installed correctly. Seems... nobody fixed "The Needle" after the prior race at Route 93 with the new axle I sent them. *sigh*
I am very sorry Jens, I accept full responsibility for the snafu and will make it right NOW before testing tomorrow. Car will get new rear axle bearings too since the 85 laps it preformed bouncing and vibrating around the track at SpeedZone totaled the bearings resulting in a lot of rear axle wobble. Makes me sick to think about it.
All else on the machine looks good and that vintage all original body is in as good a shape (nearly) as it was when the race started.