Hi Ron,
1. I guess you shut me down, huh?
2. And no fair answering your own questions to make your point.
3. Regarding the questions you did ask and didn’t answer, I guess it’s not too much thread drift to continue discussing how the history of what we’ve done affects what we’re doing now, eh?
3. The various motors/arms/classes like Challengers and Wasps that have been introduced through the years are reflection of the fact that slower is sometimes enough for most tracks and racers.
4.When International 15 was introduced it was slower and more expensive than Gp12 and Gp20. I thought it was dumb but I went with the flow, why not? The customers liked it.
5.And, yes I try my concepts in my Raceway, constantly, to keep things interesting. I’ve got an Open Group F wing car class going currently that allows the racers to stick whatever arms they like into the rebuildable F setups, cheap fun.
6.And so to the real issue: why not allow the Group 12 class to use any 29 gauge arm? It’s not a big secret that the easiest way to make an arm spin up quicker to a higher rpm is to make it shorter and use less turns. So what? Sometimes grunt and brakes are the answer.
Limits exist regardless. The fastest arm is not always the way to come up with a race winner…or have you never been beaten by a slower car?
7. Why not allow more leeway? Those who like to spend will continue to spend. Those on a budget will have an option that’s better than buying the same thing they weren’t satisfied with the first time.
1. Nope.....wasn't trying to do that.

2. Sometimes one has to do that to make the point. Oh and never answer a question with a question

3. Yep, but those will still faster than 16-D motors and classes. So it's OK to go a bit slower than a 29 ga wire class, yet still faster than a 16-D.
4. In our neck of the woods the Int 15's were always faster than the C-Can 12 motors/classes.
5. So in your Open Gr F class there is 4 American made arms that fit those set-ups P-S Puppy Dog, P-S Big Dog, P-S and Koford Gr 12 and P-S and Koford Gr 19 arms and some Cobalt 12 arms will fit in them.....what's the most popular arm/wire size used in your raceway? Do you allow the "hard" neo magnets too?
6. You can always order longer stack X-12 arms for your customers...do you do that? The minimum is .350" and you could order anything you want for your customers...are you doing that? You could always allow the Spec 15 arms made by P-S and Koford which are the same number of turns and wire size except on a .440" long blank. Yes agreed that some days more brakes and torque from a long stack is better than the alternative shorter stack.

Been beat by a slower car...yep...usually when I crash out, break down or drive pretty badly. I have won more races with a slower car than my competitors, but that had everything to do with staying in the slot and making laps versus the others who had faster cars but crashed a lot or spent more time in the pits. It really had nothing to do with horsepower in those cases.

7. Yep....it's your raceway and you can do as you want and sell what you want.... no one is stopping you from doing that.