Retro Can-Am
Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:08 AM
Joe "Noose" Neumeister
Sometimes known as a serial despoiler of the clear purity of virgin Lexan bodies. Lexan is my canvas!
Noose Custom Painting - Since 1967
Chairman - IRRA® Body Committee - Roving IRRA® Tech Dude - "EVIL BUCKS Painter"
"Team Evil Bucks" Racer - 2016 Caribbean Retro Overall Champion
The only thing bad about Retro is admitting that you remember doing it originally.
Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:15 AM
"The problems of too much business are preferable to the problems of too little business."
Gregory Wells
Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap
Posted 14 March 2012 - 11:30 AM
Lunch did not hold up the program at all. The only place I saw any area that would save some time was with not staring qualifying for Group 1 as soon as Group 2 was final, but this again would have only been a small amount of time pickup, nothing to really change the big picture.
I really liked the lane choice being added this year, that other systems used gives you no reward for better times and many even penalize the TQ person.
Coupe on Sunday would be the best alternative to the schedule. I was there Sunday for the A Main and looked around and saw only about eight racers left to view the top race of the weekend...
Rick Bennardo
"Professional Tinkerer"
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Lead! The easy equalizer...
Posted 14 March 2012 - 11:43 AM
Group 1 qualifying was first as Group 2 was going through tech. I know because being last to qualify I was making sure all cars for group 2 were teched so I could get out there. Then we took all the Group 1 cars back to impound and brought out the Group 2 cars. I don't think any time could been saved here as it was close to the limits allowed each day.
Joe "Noose" Neumeister
Sometimes known as a serial despoiler of the clear purity of virgin Lexan bodies. Lexan is my canvas!
Noose Custom Painting - Since 1967
Chairman - IRRA® Body Committee - Roving IRRA® Tech Dude - "EVIL BUCKS Painter"
"Team Evil Bucks" Racer - 2016 Caribbean Retro Overall Champion
The only thing bad about Retro is admitting that you remember doing it originally.
Posted 14 March 2012 - 12:18 PM
I think I will need to tweak the practice sessions to ensure turn marshals. I have been given some very good ideas over the last few months. Cindy and I are looking at how to improve lunches so everyone can eat food that hasn't been sitting in their pit for awhile. And I need to remember to write myself notes about certain things (like re-tech procedures) because, by the late hours in the day, my brain is running on fumes and turned to mush.
Posted 14 March 2012 - 02:53 PM
And for a brain that was mush you were pretty comprehensive. LOL.
Joe "Noose" Neumeister
Sometimes known as a serial despoiler of the clear purity of virgin Lexan bodies. Lexan is my canvas!
Noose Custom Painting - Since 1967
Chairman - IRRA® Body Committee - Roving IRRA® Tech Dude - "EVIL BUCKS Painter"
"Team Evil Bucks" Racer - 2016 Caribbean Retro Overall Champion
The only thing bad about Retro is admitting that you remember doing it originally.
Posted 14 March 2012 - 04:44 PM
I think Can-Am is the premier event, and being in the main the last few years it would be only right it should receive the premier night which is Saturday. The bench race would be awesome as the pressure would be off basically for the rest of the event and the winners of Friday and Saturday could maybe get there awards at the party as well.
Posted 14 March 2012 - 06:46 PM
Posted 14 March 2012 - 06:53 PM
John Chas Molnar
"Certified Newark Wise Guy since 1984" (retired)
"Certified Tony P Chassis God 2007.2023
Retro Chassis Designer-Builder
Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:07 PM
I sure would have liked to watch that Can-Am A Main live... what a race... awesome even on the internet.
Posted 14 March 2012 - 10:26 PM
But this decision has to be made carefully. Whatever class I move to Sunday will probably suffer with lower entries. What about those who GT Coupe is their favorite?? Like I said, there is plenty of time to look at options.
And you are right. The A Mains were very cool to watch in person. Hopefully you can come next year.
Posted 15 March 2012 - 09:11 AM
but I am very aware of how hard those long drives home can be after a weekend of racing.
LOL, Mike. this gives me a chuckle... how many years ago was the last time you had a long and late drive home after a weekend of racing?

If you were to do this any time soon... that would "truly" be Retro for you... LMAO.
Posted 15 March 2012 - 09:31 AM
But, you're right about recent history. My part of the business keeps me home a lot more than yours. I did enough looong drives for the memories to still be very clear however. One memorable trip was coming home from Louisville, KY, after a 41-hour "thrash and race" with two hours sleep. Adrenaline was good for about the first 30 minutes then it seemed that Columbus kept getting further and further away.

Posted 15 March 2012 - 03:34 PM
Posted 15 March 2012 - 03:38 PM
You're saying that some cars did not trip the lap counter, right?
My well-known partner in crime seemingly had a big problem with this, I think.
Gregory Wells
Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap
Posted 15 March 2012 - 03:41 PM
Posted 15 March 2012 - 03:42 PM
Joe "Noose" Neumeister
Sometimes known as a serial despoiler of the clear purity of virgin Lexan bodies. Lexan is my canvas!
Noose Custom Painting - Since 1967
Chairman - IRRA® Body Committee - Roving IRRA® Tech Dude - "EVIL BUCKS Painter"
"Team Evil Bucks" Racer - 2016 Caribbean Retro Overall Champion
The only thing bad about Retro is admitting that you remember doing it originally.
Posted 15 March 2012 - 03:48 PM
I know other raceways have occasionally run into this problem with dead-strips. Anyone know what remedial steps to try?
Gregory Wells
Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap
Posted 15 March 2012 - 04:09 PM
It is our problem to correct if it is the counting system. However, with literally hundreds of thousands of laps correctly counted and no pattern as to what lane etc. they are supposedly miscounted on, the odds are heavily in favor of it being NOT the counting system but the car. In fact, 99.9% of everyone who has raced here have NEVER claimed to have missed a lap. Howie's problem ended when he changed his braid. What does that tell you?
We can't just add laps to someone who claims to have missed laps. That is not fair to everyone else. Race directors also can't be expected to watch every car every lap. Carsteens system has an extremely low trigger threshold for counting. Our dead strip is on spec. Almost everyone has NEVER missed a lap. Show me where you did, and with no objection from the other racers, and we will add missed laps back. Harsh as this may sound, without solid evidence that the system has a problem, the burden is on the driver. It is the only way it can be.
Posted 15 March 2012 - 04:23 PM
I just want to mention that some people lost laps because they had worn braid.This does not usually happen. These lost laps were never given back.
You could say that......... prior to the R4-5 I know of only ONE car missing laps at a race at TT and that was Rick Maynard's Can-Am car several races ago. Not sure what his problem was, but it counted perfect the final two heats of that race.
Howie crashed pretty hard in the first heat of his semi, I had to "flatten" his braids as they were both "jacked" and "twisted" and were no where near perfect.
After that heat Howie mentioned he thought he lost laps as he only turned 31 laps. I told Eric to watch Howie's car and watch the lap counter which he did and after the 2nd heat Eric said Howie missed three laps on the counter and corrected the counter.
At this time I told Howie to put new braids in his car and as far as I know he did and his car never missed a lap after changing the braids.
My opinion, due to the twisted condition of his braids after his crash...... this is why he missed laps more than any other reason.
Posted 15 March 2012 - 04:49 PM
Posted 15 March 2012 - 07:44 PM
. . . It is our problem to correct if it is the counting system. . .
I am confident that it's not the software, but an easy fix would be to raise the dead strip. It could be lifted .010 above the surface of the track and then the cars that roll hard on the fronts would count.
"Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty" - Peter Egan
Posted 15 March 2012 - 08:01 PM
I am confident that it's not the software, but an easy fix would be to raise the dead strip. It could be lifted .010 above the surface of the track and then the cars that roll hard on the fronts would count.
Considering the extremely small fraction of drivers that claim missed laps I don't think here is anything to fix.
Posted 15 March 2012 - 08:06 PM
I had my car not count at your facility at a prior race. My car was rolling hard on the fronts and when we removed a .010 spacer from the under the guide it cured the problem. Although, it changed the handling characteristics of the car.
Just trying to be reasonable, that's all. . .
"Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty" - Peter Egan