Ceramic magnets... "You've come a long way, baby"
Posted 10 July 2012 - 11:55 PM
Thanks for the info.
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 11 July 2012 - 07:29 AM
I have only one set of Red Dots but I noticed something unusual about them. The corner of the tips are not pointed and it looks like they were either molded or filed that way. This is also true with some of the 16D magnets (EP/EXP) I have. Is this suppose to affect performance in some way?
Posted 11 July 2012 - 08:07 AM
Ron, what were the RJR "pink dot" magnets?
All RJR magnets were "cut/machined" from block material. They were not "radially oriented" and this is why they never performed well when compared to Mura magnets.
Posted 11 July 2012 - 08:08 AM
How much longer? A few thou, 1/16"?
Posted 11 July 2012 - 09:22 AM
I made the first short ones so it would have been after mine came out (1986) around 87/ 88 for Red Dots as I remember..... I'm getting too old....
The first magnets Front Line products sold were Allen Bradly Champion white dots blanchard ground to .500". My magnet company hated the AB material and I suffered through all the bad chipped and flaked ones till I had my "Pro Techs" magnets machined from a wet press Sumitomo ingots.
I still have several ingots and used 2 on a old hose reel cart for a magnetic sweeper "Magna Sweep" I used to pick up floor junk from building custom bumpers and rocker guards for Early Broncos after I sold Front Line.... I still have it!
Barney Poynor
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 11 July 2012 - 10:10 AM
I made the first short ones so it would have been after mine came out (1986) around 87/ 88 for Red Dots as I remember..... I'm getting too old....
Well the first short length ceramic magnets I seen were made by Rich Ball who cut down White Dots in length in 1983. The Lee Richardson of Southside Raceway in Steger, Il had White Dots cut down in both length and heigth in 1983/84. Both were used in Int 15 racing. There were probably others elsewhere doing this, but there were the first two guys in the Midwest I seen do it.
Then IIRC.... Koford came out with the short length and height "Yellow Dot" magnets for Int 15 racing in 1984/85. The first "production" magnet specifically for INT 15 racing.
Then Barney came out with his "Pro Techs"? in 1986. Which were short in length and height.
It was after this that Champion made the "short" legnth "full" height magnets for C-Cans..... then Mura followed.
Posted 11 July 2012 - 12:56 PM
I still have several ingots and used 2 on a old hose reel cart for a magnetic sweeper "Magna Sweep" I used to pick up floor junk from building custom bumpers and rocker guards for Early Broncos after I sold Front Line.... I still have it!
We need to run that around the flat track at BP before we run euros next time.....too many broken magnets due to debris in the slots!
So much DRAMA for such small cars....
Mike Kravitz
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Posted 11 July 2012 - 01:28 PM
Posted 11 July 2012 - 01:48 PM
Rick Bennardo
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Posted 11 July 2012 - 03:08 PM
Fritz came to a race once and showed me boxes of the Kodak magnets, I'll bet he still has hundreds , maybe 1000's of them...............
All out of Mabuchi motors he had purchased at Radio Shack.......LOL Radio Shack sold 3 Mabuchi motors for .99 cents..... Fritz was selling those magnets for 6 bucks a pair LMAO
Kodak had nothing to do with it, but he had everybody fooled that the magnets came from Kodak.
Posted 11 July 2012 - 03:34 PM
Rick Bennardo
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Posted 11 July 2012 - 04:44 PM
Barney Poynor
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Posted 11 July 2012 - 04:47 PM
Rick Bennardo
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Posted 11 July 2012 - 05:06 PM
That's much different than the story I was told. I know/heard about the RS 36D's, some actually still had the pull outs in them? I guess this is just the lore of slot car tales.............
Well tell your story........ I remember Fritz showing up at Cincinnati for a Tri-State race and claiming they were the hot magnet...this was 87/88. He gave me a couple of pairs to try. He claimed they came from Kodak and being he lived in Rochester NY home of Kodak...most believed him.
Then in the early 90's when Fritz was out of slot racing..... I had a discussion with one of his racing buddies and asked about the Kodak mags and the voice on the other side of the phone laughed and said those magnets DID NOT come from Kodak and they came from the Mabuchi 16-d sized motors sold at Radio Shack. So I went to Radio Shack and bought the last package of three motors for .99 cents...went home and took them apart and sure enough..... they were the same magnets.
I went back to Radio Shack to buy/order more and those packages/motors had been discontinued and none were to be found in the Radio Shack network of store country wide.
I never saw "production" short WD's before I came out with mine in1986. I just shortened mine to take weight out of the motor. I'll have to go back and make sure but I think my Pro Techs (machined) came out in 1987. It is in the adds SARN.
Well Barn I am not sure exactly what year the "short" Champ Red Dots came out.... I am thinking 87-89 but still need to do some digging. Champion was still advertising White Dots up to 88/89.
Bob I says his Champ Yellow Dots ( which are Mura mags ) are from 1990..... I don't remember Champion selling the Mura mags that early as WD's and RD's were still available in 1990, but maybe Champion was selling all three at the same time?
Posted 11 July 2012 - 05:41 PM
I know I had never seen so many magnets and surplus story sounded valid. They were boxed in those green lid boxes and about 4 or 6 layers per box. If he bought them from RS, he had to have bought hundreds and hundreds to come up with this many magnets and he also told me, no worries, I have more.........
Rick Bennardo
"Professional Tinkerer"
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Posted 11 July 2012 - 07:40 PM
Could not find any Champion Red Dot info...... I am pretty sure these came out 1986-87 and Champion was more into RC racing than slot racing so they didn't advertise much slot racing in this time frame.
Not that this has anything to do with Ceramic magnets....but the Mura Big Foot brushes were released in Feb 84....check out that low price now but was high then...but still cheaper than Mabuchi Pull Outs.

Mura released the Wasp motor in Mar 83 it had short length cut from bar stock magnets in them. In Sept 84 Mura offered the short length magnets separate. So these would have actually been the "first" short length C-Can magnets. These magnets were real crap.

Koford released the Yellow Dot Int 15 magnets in Sept 84 and these were short in both length and height.

Mura releases the Mura II 12 motor Aug 85

Mura Magnum X molded short length full height C-Can magnets released Oct 85 these are what I have called "Stage 1"

Nov/Dec 85.... Front Line cut down White Dot mags for Int 15 racing are released

Posted 11 July 2012 - 07:49 PM
If he bought them from RS, he had to have bought hundreds and hundreds to come up with this many magnets and he also told me, no worries, I have more.........
Yes he bought hundreds of motors and "knocked" them all apart to get the magnets out of the motors....... threw everything away except the magnets I was told.
Posted 12 July 2012 - 08:28 PM
If and when PdL comes out with his book, you might be the source to write a book on the modern era slot car history. It would be nice to preserve even the modern day stuff because there are more people still around and memories aren't quite as fuzzy as with the older stuff. Of course they might be fuzzy from other things but we won't go into that right now.

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 10:53 PM
Barney Poynor
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 02 August 2012 - 05:05 AM
Posted 02 August 2012 - 01:48 PM
Posted 04 August 2012 - 02:35 AM
Not necessarly. Even if Mura does make the magnets for Proslot and Koford they may want different receipes. The material in the magnets is what gives the magnets their strength. That could be why Mega II magnets or older Mura magnets even though they are longer are weaker than the newer Mega III and Koford .450 magnets. Made by the same company? Ones cornbread the others corn mush. Same stuff different receipe.
How so? Arent they just all ceramic wet charged magnets? I dont know a whole lot about this, but I was assuming they are made out of 100% ceramic, not leaving much room to deviate; other than size and shape.
Also what were you saying about the Mega IIs and old Muras? I dont think you finished that sentence the way you wanted lol. I actually have some old Muras (90s), but im not sure if they out date before Mura had their own wet charging process. I went through and started reading this thread, and it sounds like they have quite a rocky market history, so it maybe makes me think they werent.
Posted 04 August 2012 - 12:08 PM
The receipe for the ceramic magnet can vary. That's why some are stronger and some are more brittle than others. That's also why some magnets if the same run can have a gauss 50 points different then others in the same batch. Which is why some of us buy 6 pair at a time while other racers buy 25-50 pair at a time. Getting very closely matched sets of magnets is an important element in motor building.