The SCRRA has come up with a little compromise that seems to please most of the racers out here regarding the front body trim lines.
As most of these RP bodies droop a bit on the sides after a few races we decided to allow a 1/4' trimming as acceptable. The center section of the front body must be cut at the trim line. See pic. below.
This rule was written as it allows a little natural droop without reinforcement and it eliminates the overcutting seen here.
Still working on the rear end. We found some bodies that were over 7" long and we need to establish a new maximum body length. As it stands now it is certain spoilers will be allowed up to a maximum overall body and spoiler height of 1 3/4". Just need to measure a few more bodies.....................will get back ASAP.
John was asking about the bodies. At BPR Duran Trujillo is generally the one to beat and mostly Duran runs a Mirage or an O/S, not sure which but Duran is NOWHERE near the maximum rear body height. We have never allowed spoilers until now but Duran is probably no higher than 1 3/8"