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Dune buggies in the late 1960s

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#26 proptop


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 12:32 PM

Cool....thanks Dokk... :) 

I was curious about the Eagle, but couldn't find any pics or info about it....just stumbled across the other one on ebay and was reminded of mine. (the one I have has a Trade Ship white crown gear?)




I spoke with the original owner of these cars / parts a couple days ago about the above chassis in question...(the Dune Buggy style one w/ 5 side rails) and he said that it is just the way he bought it in the late 60's...(I asked, but he couldn't remember what body was on it, and I didn't find one in the box of stuff, but when I asked about the motor being a mixture of parts, he recalled that he asked the track owner to build him a "fast" motor...so I guess that explains the Champion can and arm, and the Mura endbell)


The man who originally owned them is the son of a good friend of mine...he is 63 yrs. old now...born on same day as me exactly 10 yrs. apart...but I digress... :) 

The cars were played with for one fall / winter then put away because the track closed down...they are just as he left them. The guy is a "Jock" type of guy who was into stick and ball sports, and couldn't solder if his life depended on it (his words)


Not trying to be a wise guy with you here, but I know more than a little about soldering...my father was a welding engineer going back to WWII and taught be how to solder, braze, stick weld, MIG and TIG, etc. etc. and the solder joints on the Competition chassis are (as you have mentioned) done w/ a solder paste then heated in an oven / small furnace (similar to furnace brazing) so it is obvious that all of the solder joints on the chassis in question is all original.


Phew...that got a bit long winded, didn't it?! :D 

Anyway...I was just wondering if it was an RTR, or available seperately like the one you have pictured (309 E) ... but it seems as it's a bit of a mystery?


Thanks anyway...

Tom Hemmes
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#27 TSR


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 12:45 PM


Only a clear picture will resolve that issue...

The Eagle F1 stock number is 7900H in RTR form and 7900KH in kit form. Both are somewhat scarce but they do come up. The clear-plastic body was also sold separately by Pactra.

The dune buggy, no one so far has seen a genuine RTR box for it, and I only know of two genuine, factory painted bodies for that rare bird. One is on the car at the LASCM, that was discovered many years ago by Yours Truly from an obscure eBay sale, the other showed up without a chassis on ebay about 3 years ago. Pactra had only one type of RTR box, a triangular affair with a clear acetate window, so it is likely that the dune buggy (the very few that got out before the rug was pulled from under) was also sold in one of those.

Philippe de Lespinay

#28 sportblazer350


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Posted 31 August 2013 - 07:39 PM





couple of older pix of mine as purchased, original owner told me he lost the rear exhaust pipes, mines have a Dynamic chassis underneath.

Glenn Orban
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#29 TSR


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Posted 01 September 2013 - 11:40 AM


this is a Pactra body mounted on an aftermarket chassis from what I can tell after enlarging the picture...

Philippe de Lespinay

Electric Dreams Online Shop