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What makes a Thingy... well... a Thingie?

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#26 Jairus


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Posted 17 February 2013 - 10:56 PM

Exactly, where is the line in the sand, street sign or the one that sez  "Thingies only beyond this point". 

The line is where each of us draw it.  Freewill allows for the relative morality that is currently the scourge of this planet in my point of view.
Where is the marker?
Well, there is none in this instance.
No 10 commandments for what is cool, what is hot, what is the ultimate and what constitutes a "thingie".
If you want to paint up a Eurosport body and call it a thingie then so be it.
My opinion is that all wing and eurosport bodies do NOT look even remotely like the 1/1 vehicles they are named after. I believe they are the ultimate result of what the "Thingie" was originally designed to be.
I believe the modern wing racer body labeled as a "Corvette" is only named that to satisfy a vestigial desire to appear to be a "scale" race when nothing could be further from the truth.
So back to the question. 
I believe it has already been answered by your peers.
If you don't like the answer, then tough. Just don't try to put that body into one of your peer's thingie proxy races.

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#27 Maximo


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Posted 17 February 2013 - 11:04 PM

What makes a thingie? ?? ???

Something that is creatively and spiritualy unreal!!!


---max xam---

David Ray Siller

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Thingies are my thingy!

#28 Gator Bob

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Posted 17 February 2013 - 11:32 PM

The line is where each of us draw it.  Freewill allows for the relative morality that is currently the scourge of this planet in my point of view.
Where is the marker?
Well, there is none in this instance.
No 10 commandments for what is cool, what is hot, what is the ultimate and what constitutes a "thingie".
If you want to paint up a Eurosport body and call it a thingie then so be it.
My opinion is that all wing and eurosport bodies do NOT look even remotely like the 1/1 vehicles they are named after. I believe they are the ultimate result of what the "Thingie" was originally designed to be.
I believe the modern wing racer body labeled as a "Corvette" is only named that to satisfy a vestigial desire to appear to be a "scale" race when nothing could be further from the truth.



So back to the question. 
I believe it has already been answered by your peers.
If you don't like the answer, then tough. Just don't try to put that body into one of your peer's thingie proxy races.


I like all the answers so far, even the Tough ones.

See above about considering this as an entry in any proxy.  

I freehand (no decals) a car, post a picture and the thingy world gets ... well .... all pissy and defensive of the thingy sandbox.

Came out ...um....ok, learning that art of lettering is gonna be tough. I had some fun with the theme, learned something, AND got a bunch of Thingy peers on the fritz.

I feel the love.

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#29 MG Brown

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Posted 17 February 2013 - 11:41 PM

A thingie is a concept- it's like pornography, you know it when you see it.
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That's thirty minutes away. I'll be there in ten.


#30 Jairus


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Posted 17 February 2013 - 11:46 PM

Pardon us Bob. 
In the Dynamic Challenge you came out and had fun with the rest of us. No worries
In the Balls Out race you showed a completely different side. A side that seemed to be done with fun and wanted to push boundaries.
Some of us (me) are a little leery of your posts.
And what do you mean about "see above about consideration for a thingie proxy"? I see nothing but a question about "Can't this be one" (Thingie)?

The answer is clear as Mick states. ;-)

Jairus H Watson - Artist
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#31 Jairus


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 12:18 AM

Oh, and if you want to talk about lettering?

A very difficult art to be sure, you should have brought that up in the beginning.  

The paint, graphics and lettering on the GTP or whatever it is, is quite good in my opinion. Well done!

Jairus H Watson - Artist
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#32 Gator Bob

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 12:21 AM

Pardon us Bob. 
In the Dynamic Challenge you came out and had fun with the rest of us. No worries
In the Balls Out race you showed a completely different side. A side that seemed to be done with fun and wanted to push boundaries.
Some of us (me) are a little leery of your posts.
And what do you mean about "see above about consideration for a thingie proxy"? I see nothing but a question about "Can't this be one" (Thingie)?



I hear ya'. 20th place was just as much fun as 3rd. I like boundary pushing too, it's a racer thing, it's a Bob thing.. :yes:  


I've been following along. My first 1/24th RTR was Coronado 5000 GTX .... when it first came out. The second car was a Cox BRM. Only replaced the GarVic. See what I'm saying? :dirol:

This is not an attempt to see if the '1958 purple people eater' fits in a 'A Real' thingie proxy, ... past, present or future.

I know a real Thingy when I see one! :search: :sarcastic_hand:

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                            Bob Israelite

#33 backintheslot


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 12:44 AM

Thingy (noun)...Used to describe an object on the spur of the moment when you have a sudden brain fart and forget what you were gonna say was.

John Albright


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#34 don.siegel


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 05:20 AM


#35 Gator Bob

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 01:06 PM

Oh, and if you want to talk about lettering?

A very difficult art to be sure, you should have brought that up in the beginning.  

The paint, graphics and lettering on the GTP or whatever it is, is quite good in my opinion. Well done!



Thanks Jairus and Max for the comps on the paint/lettering, I gave it a shot but it falls a little short of what I was trying to accomplish ... a good freehand ice breaker.   

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                            Bob Israelite

#36 One27ray


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Posted 18 February 2013 - 07:39 PM

A revised Lacuc for slamming the body down really low :D









Yes Rob, it can be done :good: sorry Steve :shok:

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#37 macman


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Posted 23 February 2013 - 04:46 PM

In general, either Edo or Doc has the final say

Ben Kernan
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#38 Maximo


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Posted 23 February 2013 - 07:25 PM


In general, either Edo or Doc has the final say

Funny, neither one has chimed in here or even posted on any thingie forum for a millenium... I disgree that either one has the final say since the true answer is personal and subjective.

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David Ray Siller

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Thingies are my thingy!

#39 Martin


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Posted 24 February 2013 - 12:48 PM

I belive "thingie" is a state of mind. Meaning what the artist had in mind is what makes it a thingie. To create a body design that did not exist before, there is also an element of radical to shock the boys at the local track that were building slot cars that were copies of real cars. Also a thingie has an element of impractical and designed to look fast and go fast. A look into the future as seen from the '60s. No restraints like wheel size or visability from inside the model, radical man, far out thinking. Freedom of design in our little slot car world. Just my thoughts.

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Martin Windmill

#40 Gator Bob

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 09:43 PM

Fantasma :D



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                            Bob Israelite

#41 Gator Bob

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 04:21 PM

Oh boy !



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#42 slotbaker


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Posted 19 April 2013 - 05:36 PM

That's an interesting article, for sure, giving us a clue to where the thingie thingy began.


It goes to show that you can call anything, anything you want.


For the mainstream slotters from the 60's, a Thingie is a stylised imaginery car for better performance.

And for our historical retrospective use of the thingie tag, the believers recognise that thingies were slot car creations only, and never modified/customised versions of any real full size car.


Steve King

#43 don.siegel


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Posted 20 April 2013 - 04:35 AM

Well, not quite Steve... 


If you all permit, allow me to quote from the text I wrote as the introduction to Edo's Thingie photo exhibition in Italy, a few years ago. Just a reminder of where the Thingie comes from, historically speaking... (this was the draft version, so there are still a few XXX/TBD)





What is a Thingie?


A Thingie is an abomination, a betrayal of everything sacred in model car racing. At least that’s how it started out in the early days of the hobby.


Model racing cars were supposed to duplicate real cars, often to within 1/16 inch of the exact scale dimensions. When they didn’t, the cry went out from the defenders of the faith: “What’s that god-awful thingy?” This started on some of the early “magwinder” style dragsters, which made no pretense of resembling a real car, and was soon applied to certain road racers as well: typically a sports car like a Maserati Birdcage with huge slicks sticking out of chopped wheel wells and a purple paint job,


Hence, Thingies.


As early as 1964-65, the slot car manufacturers began to produce their own Thingies, although they didn’t use that name. They were called dream cars, or outlaws, or bandits. They were often based on real show cars of the time, to give a veneer of respectability – from the 1950s Firebird, to the later Manta Ray and Astronaut. Some of them actually looked like show cars, and others just borrowed the name.


The aim was two-fold. First, they were cool, and immediately appealed to teenage boys, the core of the mass slot racing market in the boom years of 1965-66. Only a few youngsters may have been stirred by a carefully detailed scale Birdcage or Lola T-70. But just about any 13-year-old boy could look at a Classic Astro V and say, “Hey, that’s cool”.


Second, performance. A low, wide slot car will handle better than a high, narrow car, all things being equal. And of course the Thingie could be made as wide and low as the designer wanted, without worrying about scale dimensions: in the early days they had huge slicks for higher top speed, but rear tires quickly evolved towards the low, wide “steamroller” type for greatly improved handling.


Like other outlaw movements, the Thingie soon became its own rallying cry, defended by adults and not just kids. They were also adopted by the pure performance crowd, who claimed that slot racing was an entity in and of itself, and not just a copy of real race cars – since in any case there was no gas engine and no driver inside the car!


For many youngsters, a commercially made Thingie, almost always in “ready to run” (RTR) form, was the easiest entry into slot racing – instant gratification, for the eyes and for the thumb. Some of these designs were just tossed-off, others were more carefully styled, but almost all used cheap and easy to produce clear vacuum-formed bodies, instead of the more expensive injection molded bodies used in plastic kits and scale slot cars.


Companies like Classic and GarVic quickly found their niche and made almost nothing but Thingies. But even the established model companies like Monogram and Cox, seeing the impressive sales figures, soon entered the field. In 1966, Cox introduced the legendary “La Cucaracha”, with a well engineered “iso-fulcrum” chassis (an invented word, but one that entered the vocabulary of slot racing) and a unique bright orange polypropylene (“Tupperware”) body. For a short period, this car would revolutionize slot racing, and was one of the all-time best-sellers, just behind the Classic Manta Ray.* The “Cuc” concept was copied by companies worldwide, from Switzerland to Brazil. 


Meanwhile some performance-oriented adults were also exploring ultimate slot machines. In Detroit, automobile designer Larry Shinoda was pulling his own Thingie bodies with outlandish names, like XXX. They were designed for pure performance, low and with no limits on width, but they also had a real style, as could be expected from the designer of the XXX. Out West, near San Francisco, John Chotia?? was doing the same thing, with bodies that were even more stark and aerodynamic – prefiguring the “wing” bodies that would later become the standard in high-end commercial slot racing (cars in the unlimited class cover a 155 foot, six-turn track in 1.4 seconds!).


But at the same time this also sounded the death knell of the Thingie. By 1968 not only had real racing cars and their tires become much lower and wider, but semi-scale “handling” bodies had become the norm in competitive slot racing, negating the traditional advantages of the Thingie. Plus, the fad was over, commercial tracks were disappearing by the hundreds, and there was no longer a mass market for slot cars. But the Thingie was a mass market slot car par excellence.


The Thingie went into limbo.

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#44 macman


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 08:24 AM

Excellent word-smithing Don!!!

Ben Kernan
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#45 slotbaker


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Posted 19 June 2013 - 01:02 AM

Is this a Thingie?



Steve King

#46 ShootinSparks


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Posted 19 June 2013 - 03:24 AM

Is this a Thingie?


Nope, that's a JEEP.  Or maybe a JeeP.  I can't tell for sure.


Back to the thingies conversation, don't forget the insanity and ugliness of colored tires.


Back in the day, I was into the scale look, and I was as offended by those strange tires as I was about thingies.  Tires are supposed to be black.


And it was even worse when I'd see a beautiful scale (or at least mostly scale or "scale appearing") body running with orange or red or anything-other-than-black tires.  Ugh.


For a few examples we've all seen: http://lascm.com/Slo...ex&cPath=4_1164

John Robeson

#47 Mike Henry

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Posted 19 June 2013 - 03:36 AM

Does any one make white wall tires?
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#48 Gator Bob

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 05:18 PM

Is this a Thingie?



:laugh2:   :laugh2:  Ground clearance, rear wiper and mirror to see where the driver went wrong or if the spare is still there.  :crazy:


JeeP   :sarcastic_hand:


or obambamobile 



Does any one make white wall tires?

Mike, If you go to Port Orange and ask for some of the paint Pro/Track uses I'll make you a set of whitewalls.



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#49 Gator Bob

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 05:25 PM


:blink: , Here is one, a REAL one that is not quite as 'loosely' ... much tighter ... but what is it now? 

Dodge Omni? Monza? Camaro? Corvette? Toyota? What the painter decides? :huh:



Mustang - so realcar no one could tell.


Bob, stop fooling around and work on your Lucky 13 car :bomb:  :)

I did a body (no not that purple one)... the chassis never 'showed up.

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#50 Gator Bob

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 05:27 PM


Nope, that's a JEEP.  Or maybe a JeeP.  I can't tell for sure.


Back to the thingies conversation, don't forget the insanity and ugliness of colored tires.


Back in the day, I was into the scale look, and I was as offended by those strange tires as I was about thingies.  Tires are supposed to be black.


And it was even worse when I'd see a beautiful scale (or at least mostly scale or "scale appearing") body running with orange or red or anything-other-than-black tires.  Ugh.


For a few examples we've all seen: http://lascm.com/Slo...ex&cPath=4_1164


Black tires rock ... even on Thingies !

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                            Bob Israelite

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