I will be happy to make the change you suggest... if and when I see one of these guides in an unopened Rannalli package, or advertised in a vintage slot racing magazine or published catalog.
The information on these illustrated charts (example: Pickup Guides) was gleaned from published sources available to anyone, and is intended to reflect what the slot racer would see and have available to them when:
1. They went to their local raceway and bought (or ordered) parts or kits.
2. They would read slot racing magazines (such as Car Model or Model Car & Track) and retailer catalogs (such as Auto World).
These charts are not intended to reflect all of the shenanigans, legal maneuvering, obscure patents, rumors and manufactured vaporware that went on behind the scenes (and there sure was a lot of it )
I would be pleased to make some room in my sandbox and ask Greg to set up a section for you within The Independent Scratchbuilder for all this good information you've been digging up - or if you prefer you can ask him to set you up your own separate section on SlotBlog.
Either way is okay with me.