He's still gotta paint a driver.........
Well, I did the deed. The little dude is painted. I found a brush that didn't shake too badly but it wouldn't stay on the "Korrect" path. It kept wandering off. I'd paint the dude's glove and get some paint on the driver's suit. I'd touch up the driver's suit and get some on the black interior. Back and forth, back and forth..........

As a barber once told me, "The hardest part about this job is knowing when to stop!" So I finally just stopped and the little dude, as they say, is what he is......I give up! 
I took a picture of the "red fluorescent" color outside in the sunlight:

It still doesn't show it's true color. It looks too orange. Oh well, the real color is quite striking though. It's not red or orange, it's....well.......fluorescent
Here are the decals from Patto's Place. Water slide on the left and "peel and stick" on the right:

I've had trouble and little success with his water slide decals. I end up wadding the thin little suckers up into a ball. I've tried coating them with Future floor was but that didn't work for me either. Patto says not to coat them with clear spray lacquer as it's too "hot". I'm going to try Testor's clear on the extra set of numbers and see what happens.
If all else fails I know I can get the "peel and stick" to work. I used them here with OK results:
