Slot car magazines
Posted 19 September 2007 - 12:37 PM
I won't opine as to whether that's a good or a bad thing... LOL!!
Gregory Wells
Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap
Posted 19 September 2007 - 01:54 PM
Jairus,OUCH! Dennis... Bob may not have been a regular reader of Slotblog in the past... but he knows about Slotblog.net after we last talked!
Bob and I meet every month at our local 1/32 club race, and he knows that I enjoy his magazine despite the spelling and grammar problems. He just writes that off to the fact that I speak funny and use a different version of English to him.
That comment is really an inside joke with Rocky, as he tries (usually unsuccessfully) to correct those errors. There's apparently an equipment incompatibility between Rocky's PC and Bob's Apple that gets blamed for it all, but that's their excuse...
Posted 19 September 2007 - 02:45 PM
This is a pretty common problem BTW and is almost certainly the result of using different fonts of the same nominal name. It's pretty easy to resolve for someone who understands both platforms.There's apparently an equipment incompatibility between Rocky's PC and Bob's Apple that gets blamed for it all
Gregory Wells
Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap
Posted 19 September 2007 - 04:31 PM
And therein lies the problem...for someone who understands both platforms.
Posted 20 September 2007 - 10:51 AM
My basic job is to say "Bob, you cannot block magnetic fields with a bit of lead"... that kind of thing! Bob doesn't have a handle on the basic mechanics/electronics part of the hobby.
My oldest isn't on the masthead, but is a computer pro and sometimes gets to talk Bob out of his worst computer ideas. The basic problem is in his software. It will often reject some of the copy edit phase and "restore" the file from backup. Bob doesn't notice.
I usually advise on some of the historical bits of the real cars. Largely, because it is "all plastic RTR, all the time", the magazine isn't for me. I was excited that Bob had a photo of the Bulkowski Black Maria that I had wanted so that I could finally get around to doing one.
Thus, "technical editor" not "editor" or "copy editor".
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 06 July 2008 - 06:00 PM
I'd be interested in acquiring a pile of the Car Model magazines just for reading purposes even if their condition is not up to collectible standards. Here's a representative copy of the magazine:
Contact me off list, I have several doubles.
Posted 23 January 2018 - 06:44 PM
Where can I get a set of Miniature Auto Racing?
Posted 24 January 2018 - 05:54 AM
Assuming you're referring to Miniature Autoworld and Miniature Auto, keep your eye on ebay UK - they come up regularly - unfortunately, postage to US is pretty high!
Posted 29 January 2018 - 01:29 PM
Rod & Custom 1966 covered the first of the really big races which was won by Arizona's Joe De Halle who won a Triumph Spitfire. The race did not have any of the SoCal "Legend Racers" in the main and therefore was not considered a "Golden Era Race", Joe has been denied a place on the list of Western States winners by self appointed gatekeepers of history when in fact he was the first big race winner.
Joe De Halle deserves to be added to this list, demand justice!
Jesse Gonzales
No Relation to the late Joe De Halle
- MattD likes this
Posted 09 September 2020 - 12:07 PM
1962 to 1974.
Car Model was a small size bimonthly for the first year or so, then went big and monthly in September, 1963. It got very big from end 1965 to early '68 (bound, not stapled), which will give you an idea of the "golden age" of slot racing (when all the major manufacturers bought ads!)
Does anyone here still have a good sized collection of Car Model issues?
- Pete L. likes this
Posted 09 September 2020 - 12:14 PM
I basically have everything... I actually kept my magazines and books from when I was a kid; after I finished college, I began haunting used book/magazine stores to find more issues, and when I started slots again I tried to fill all the holes via trading and ebay.
- Pete L. likes this
Posted 09 September 2020 - 12:44 PM
Yes, I have a relatively complete collection. I got tired of trying to time the magazine deliveries at the drug store and bought a subscription through the mail. That lasted until I when to college in 1970.
Right now I'm clearing out the "Road & Track" and "Car and Driver" collection from the late 70's and 80's; then the "Car Model" and "Slot Car Bulletin" will head for recycling.
- Pete L. likes this
Posted 09 September 2020 - 12:57 PM
I'll pay shipping to save the slot car magazines from recycling.
I've always displayed car magazines.
Originally, slot car magazines, on sliding pegboard, at my original location.
That same pegboard now has 1/1 car magazines, my customers subscribe to.
I give them away to anyone who makes the effort to pick one up, to look at a particular article.
After thinking of a doing a grandstand pic / mural, above the drag strip, I've decided I'll just run my slot car magazines, the length of it.
Along with getting ones from customers, I inherited a huge stash of early 80's, to 2004, from Stu, when he moved Koford Eng. to Ohio.
- Pete L., NSwanberg and old & gray like this
Mike Swiss
Inventor of the Low CG guide flag 4/20/18
IRRA® Components Committee Chairman
Five-time USRA National Champion (two G7, one G27, two G7 Senior)
Two-time G7 World Champion (1988, 1990), eight G7 main appearances
Eight-time G7 King track single lap world record holder
17B West Ogden Ave., Westmont, IL 60559, (708) 203-8003, mikeswiss86@hotmail.com (also my PayPal address)
Note: Send all USPS packages and mail to: 692 Citadel Drive, Westmont, Illinois 60559
Posted 09 September 2020 - 02:16 PM
I'll pay shipping to save the slot car magazines from recycling.
I'll match your offer on the old Car Model magazines - plus!
Posted 09 September 2020 - 03:24 PM
Don't over look Model Car and Track and Model Car Science, those are at least as good as Car Model. Toward the end of the "boom" , Model Car and Racing was issued. It lasted about 9 issues (I think) and covered both current races and the most up to date manufacturers cars.
As to collecting, I've had full sets of all the magazines and sold them a few years ago. I have bought back most of them and only need 3-4 issues to complete Car Model and MC&T. I don't bother with the early Car Models or any issues after 67. Early MCS from 63 don't have much slot coverage .and are not worth pursuing unless they are cheap. Best issues of these mags seem to be 65-67. 66 is maybe the best year of all. Auto Worlds from 66- 67 are great, also.
I do have 100-150 duplicates that will be going to Ebay one of these days. The asking price on Ebay seems to be $10 or more per issue. That is not realistic today. 20 years ago, it was. I figured to offer these mags at 5 for $30. I am happy to sell them to anybody here that might want them. I would like $5 an issue and whatever is fair/required the buyer donate to SB. Postage will be Media Mail so probably $4-$6 for 10 copies or less. If somebody wants them all, that is even better.
I am happy to trade for issues I need.
- Horsepower and Pete L. like this
Matt Bishop
Posted 13 December 2020 - 01:26 AM
Model Car and Track, Model Car Racing, and Model Car and Racing (Schleicher). Quite confusing if you just got into reading the old mags.
My life fades, the vison dims. All that remains are memories... from The Road Warrior
Posted 13 December 2020 - 01:35 AM
Don't over look Model Car and Track and Model Car Science, those are at least as good as Car Model. Toward the end of the "boom" , Model Car and Racing was issued. It lasted about 9 issues (I think) and covered both current races and the most up to date manufacturers cars.
As to collecting, I've had full sets of all the magazines and sold them a few years ago. I have bought back most of them and only need 3-4 issues to complete Car Model and MC&T. I don't bother with the early Car Models or any issues after 67. Early MCS from 63 don't have much slot coverage .and are not worth pursuing unless they are cheap. Best issues of these mags seem to be 65-67. 66 is maybe the best year of all. Auto Worlds from 66- 67 are great, also.
I do have 100-150 duplicates that will be going to Ebay one of these days. The asking price on Ebay seems to be $10 or more per issue. That is not realistic today. 20 years ago, it was. I figured to offer these mags at 5 for $30. I am happy to sell them to anybody here that might want them. I would like $5 an issue and whatever is fair/required the buyer donate to SB. Postage will be Media Mail so probably $4-$6 for 10 copies or less. If somebody wants them all, that is even better.
I am happy to trade for issues I need.
MODEL CAR AND TRACK NEEDED NOV 64 MARCH 65MODEL CAR SCIENCE NEEDED63 April, sept, Oct, nov, dec64 july, nov65 mar apr. aug, octMy favorite cover.
Hi Matt! I agree with your love of covers. THAT was a great shot. In regards to trading or buying some of the mags, I'll check and see if I have any dupes. Otherwise I might like to buy some issues.
My life fades, the vison dims. All that remains are memories... from The Road Warrior
Posted 13 December 2020 - 08:59 AM
I liked that cover so much I copied it a couple weeks ago. Buildings were crappy resin copies of originals. Only the Red Ferrari was the same as the cars in the picture. The Lola was a new Monogram I re-painted. The Cheetah was an orange Strom I painted dark green, and the other Ferrari was a cheap 1/32 model kit.
Once the pic was done, the Cheetah got a make over with an EJ's brass chassis.
- Pete L., cdtanner, Fergy and 1 other like this
Matt Bishop
Posted 25 December 2020 - 02:52 PM
To a 12-14 year old kid, those covers probably sold a lot of magazines. There were some good ones., The Monogram Midget Racer cover and the MPC Chargers cover. The Christmas issues were always neat and usualy carry a higher price than the rest of the mags from the same year.
They don't make 'em like they used to!
Matt Bishop
Posted 25 December 2020 - 06:14 PM
Model Car & Racing was another decent slot car magazine that wasn't published very long. What's become of the relatively current magazine that was being published in Hawaii?
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.
Posted 25 December 2020 - 08:02 PM
Bill, that guy sold a bunch of subscriptions and then couldn't deliver. I think he decided to do bi-monthly or quarterly and then that didn't work out and bunch of people got stiffed. I think he did a model car magazine that was his first priority and it may have folded, too.
Matt Bishop
Posted 26 December 2020 - 07:55 AM
Hey Matt,
Great job on the buildings!
Rich Vecchio