Do you have any credentials to even express a valid opinion against seasoned veteran writers who have been deeply immersed in the sport for many years?
Careful, you might fall off your pedestal 
I have no pedestal. You appear to be standing on one that is rather twisting in the wind...
I am happy for you that those horrors on wheels appear to please your sophisticated sense of aesthetics.
I personally think that NASCAR's COT horrid machine cannot even compare on a scale of true ugliness with those F1 monstrosities, or even with the current Dallara Indy car, but hey, personal opinions count little when the guys making the decisions are at the same time, filling their pockets with (vanishing) enthusiasts cash. To the end.
We are indeed living a vanishing time, when single entities control all the money and both tracks and teams are having a hard time to close their insane racing budgets.
To make a direct comparison of how it "used to be" compared to today:
The 1970 Brabham F1 team budget was 70000 BSP, corresponding to $140000, and corrected for inflation, about $700000 today. With that amount, Jack's team built 4 chassis, purchased 6 Cosworth DFV motors, 6 Hewland DG400 gearboxes and spare ratios, paid salaries to 12 crew and that of Rolf Stommelen, the second driver. Tires and fuel were sponsored, so they did not have to pay for it. The season was not great, Jack winning one GP while leading several others but failing to finish for minor issues, like... not enough fuel in the car.
At the end of the year, the team was still showing profit.
Today, $700000 will hardly cover the gearbox budget for ONE car, let alone the salary for the 200 to 900 people in the poor to rich teams.
The budget necessary for being a constant last-place finisher in every Grand Prix is $50 million. Who is going to pay to have their name on the last finishing car, that get virtually zero TV time unless caught in some crash? How many teams will fold before only 2 or 3 are left? This is the situation today for over 1/2 of F1 teams, including "Lotus", formerly Renault, formerly whatever it morphed into over the years.
And "Lotus" was a front runner all last year.
Now we have these truly butt-ugly thingies and that's F1 defined by regulations designed by people who never figured the "unintended consequences".
Well, if you like it, spend your money and go for it. In the meantime, our great American F1 center, the new and beautiful COTA, is going broke.