Hi Jairus,

This "Event" is really about the conventional style R&C cars as pictured in the race reports. By conventional style R&C cars, I mean Mabuchi or Hemi powered, multi-brass rod or tube inline chassis with a drop arm. There were also a couple of Dynamic chassis cars and a couple of Tyco-Pittman sidewinders. I'll be bringing 4 conventional cars to the event.
I became curious how other types of PERIOD (that means 1966) style cars might have performed. So as an excuse to build more cars, I came up with the idea for my "What If" cars. These cars use PERIOD parts and PERIOD designs. I'll be bringing 7 of these too.
The Proxy Event will include running all the cars in a series of timed laps (like the qualifying for the R&C races in 1966) and a subjective handling evaluation by someone I consider to be an "expert". The final published tech chart will (I believe) list the cars in the order of their "qualifying times", fastest time first and so on.
I can see how having one's car listed at the "top of the chart" can have a certain "bragging rights" factor.
SO......I propose that the "conventional" R&C cars be listed at the top of the chart. They are what this event is really all about, having fun building and sharing the cars of the R&C Road Race Series.
My "what if" cars, or anybody else who builds a "what if" PERIOD style car will have their results listed separately at the bottom of the Tech Chart.
I can also simply not publish the results of how the "what if" cars performed. At least I'll know the answer to, "What if?"