I should explain a few things first.
I have published Model Cars Magazine for over 15 years, and I can honestly say, I can't remember if any issue was ever printed on time: well, at least in the past ten years.
How can this go on?
First off, Model Cars is the longest running model car/hobby magazine printed in the U.S. that has been owned by the same company, Golden Bell Press.
Yes, it's basically my magazine, but Golden Bell is the "owner" and without them, Model Cars would have folded years ago.
So why the lateness on Model Cars?
I have had six major back surgeries, the last one in October of 2013. A seventh one is being considered, but it's not something we are looking forward to, or really want to do.
Most of my time during the day is spent laying down.
I have good minutes, and then bad hours.
It's like a two steps forward, ten steps back type of thing.
If I have to do something, say doctor's appointment, it will take about two hours start to finish.
That means I'll be down, literally down for the count, for at least a day afterwards. Not just tired, sore, etc., but down. Unable to move, get up, eat, etc. Down down down.
Then, slowly, life begins again.
This happens every single day, every single time.
So, when I have to try and sit up and put together this first issue, every ten minutes or so I spend sitting up, figure on at least two, three, or more hours spent down in bed.
Yes, this sucks.
I have been dealing with this for so long, it's getting to the point of being more than just frustrating.
I know this should not be a problem for anyone else, but this is just the facts of life, or rather my life.
I know it also sounds like an excuse, and it kinda is, but I'm just telling you all what is going on behind the scenes.
I hope you understand what I go through, each and every day, and hopefully will be able to give me some leeway until I can finally and hopefully get "back" to "normal."
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
As for updates, the mag is about 90% done, and I am trying to get all the final stuff in I need to, so I can go and finish up everything in one crack, while laying down, of course.