Track test #1 results:
It's a tilting pile. It "turned turtle" at such slow speeds, my buddies were calling it "The Turtle"
Good thing the decals are on the inside, and the TrueScale body is thick - it actually traveled further on it's back than in the slot
My diagnosis:
-way too much grip with the SBR donuts
-gears are too tall (no brakes, and too much acceleration wheel spin)
-motor runs great (more power than it needs, but I hope to harness it)
-drive train is absolutely perfectly smooth (thanks to Dennis Samson for his advice on JB Welding the bearings to the uprights )
My solutions:
-change from SRB donuts to vintage tan or orange
-change gear ratio
-needs more low weight to counteract the top heavy zero downforce body and 2 3/4" wheel widths
Those are just my theories. The only truth is lap times.