I worked on this build during my recent “health scare” and it really helped me. The worrying was constantly on my mind like a giant weight………EXCEPT when working on the project. It was hard for me to get started each session but once working, the wonderful smell of soldering smoke and acid fumes was great!
So what IS this project? Since this is a “therapy build” meant to be fun, I decided not to build a “clone” or “tribute” car. I got inspiration from the period magazines and newsletters and then chose what I like the best for the build.
For the chassis, I’ve always liked this Mike Steube chassis from an early 1968 CMRA race:
Here is the race report “COWAN TAKE LEAD IN C.M.R.A. POINTS”:
Now for the motor. I’m going with a 1968 Mabuchi can like Mike’s car but for fun, I’m going to pump the motor up with some cool stuff. The only part of the original motor I'll be using is the can….minus the ball bearing.
Here are the “hop-up” parts I’ll be using:
The end bell will be a Dynamic packaged Mura 1st generation “unmeltable” but with a really cool modification. Check out the Mini-Wheels Bullet Proof kit at the lower right in the picture below:
Here are the instructions for the bullet proofing kit:
Rather than build the fixture outlined in the top of the instruction sheet, I found I could use my Rick’s Jig instead:
Here's the jig used in a different setup to solder on the spring post protector:
After many hours work, the stock endbell on the right and the modified on the left:
Next up I work on my can.........so to speak.