Pro sports car build - Last of the solid front axle
Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:13 AM
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Anthony 'Tonyp' Przybylowicz
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:45 AM
The REHco were indeed "rebadged" Mura gumballs which was common practice for a short while back in the late '60's/early '70's. Many people rebranded them. I seem to recall that Nutley even had some under their label. The REHco's had one or two less winds and a little more advance timing just to make them different from the "stock" Mura's as I remember. Once the initial run or two of arms and motors were sold that was pretty much it.
Posted 20 December 2016 - 11:36 AM
Photoshop comes through again.
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.

Posted 01 January 2018 - 01:28 PM
Super nice build, and lots of great info as well !!!
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 05 January 2018 - 05:47 PM
Tough crowd.
The arm was in a package marked RehCo and the arm had the markings on one stack.... sooo....
Thanks Peter.
- Tex, havlicek and Frank Godbey like this
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 06 January 2018 - 08:34 PM
RehCo arms were supplied by Mura. There are three generation of them:
- 1966: wound on "Hemi" blanks, identical and indistinguishable from Mura "Vulcan" arms.
- 1968-1969: "Bubblegum" arms, engraved by Mura to the needs of various marketers: Bloom, Certus, Cobra, RehCo, Nutley.
- 1970-1973: standard Mura production arms in RehCo packaging, the later examples engraved.
RehCo, a distributorship in Cincinnati, never had any motor production facilities and relied mostly on the Mura company for motor products and parts.
- hiline2 likes this
Philippe de Lespinay
Posted 07 January 2018 - 08:08 AM
For me personally, the "Powered by Rehco" graphic is correct, but also, goofing-around with Jairus' beautiful posted image in photoshop strikes me as a little annoying, if not insulting. Yeah yeah, I'm probably overreacting, but when someone does work at the level of Jairus (*and very few can), I think all this nitpicking is really kind of silly. Sure, it's interesting to add the historical info as a side thing, but not much else.
Think of it this way, anyone who used an armature sold under a particular name and wanted to include that on the body's livery probably would/could have done so without others "correcting" him. ***It's all even a little more peculiar when you consider that today people run/race motors sold under various names that are all produced by (?) one or two factories in China. I think this is the history-freaks-gone-silly thing.
- Jairus and olescratch like this
Posted 07 January 2018 - 09:33 AM
There was a gentlemen from Pennsylvania named Fred Wirl who sold Mura arms under the name of 'Whirls'. He sponsored some racers at Parma Raceway and I learned years later that he was a friend of Paul Miers of Slot Car Bulletin fame.
Bob K.
Posted 07 January 2018 - 12:13 PM
Dennis David
Posted 07 January 2018 - 12:24 PM
Thanks for sharing your beautiful cars with us Jairus.
Rick Thigpen
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Posted 15 January 2018 - 06:09 PM
Beautifully built car Jairus,
I will aim to emulate.