Since there appears to be a new steel stamped chassis coming out from JK which does not have uprights to mount a front axle and wheels, the following rules are being proposed.
1) Eliminate the requirement of a front axle and front wheels. (In which case, you must have a front wheel sticker or decal.)
2) Allow the racers to cut off the front axle upright on existing chasses. (This rule is being implemented so that the racers do not feel like they are at a disadvantage about having the upright while the new chassis does not have it.)
NOTE: All interior, bumper height, and body rules will NOT change.
Also NOTE: No rule changes to the JK Indy Car car class.
Motor rule change:
There is a very strong sentiment from track owners and racers that for the GTP class only, that the Hawk 6 should be allowed to be raced. The motor must remain completely stock; no modifications to the can, magnets, endbell, or endbell hardware. The only allowed changes are the you can:
1) solder in the can bushing,
2) epoxy in the endbell bushing,
3) balance the arm,
4) true the comm,
5) change out the brushes,
6) change out the springs for any three-coil spring.
You can NOT have the comm wrapped or time the endbell in any manner.
So for the GTP car class, you have the option to run the Hawk 7 or the Hawk 6 motors. Personally, I really like the Hawk 6 motor with its better brakes, but you give up distance on every track call. So its a wash. When the Hawk 7 and Hawk 6 were both allowed in LMP, the Hawk 7 won several of the races.
What do you Florida racers think?