I responded to a racer's request on OWH a couple of days ago and offered the guide to anyone who wanted it, as I have done several times before on that board as well as on others (including Slotblog). The response this time was pretty massive, with over 30 folks requesting the guide in the last day or so. If there's that much demand, I guess it's time to post it here for all to download.
If one is to be truthful, the T-Flex chassis is getting a little long in tooth. The newer three-piece stamped steel chassis are probably faster overall, but I still maintain that the T-Flex works better on more tracks than just about any stamped steel chassis ever made. And IMO it is still the champ for durability.
These specs are offered not as the only way to set-up a T-Flex, but as a well-tested way that has been successfully raced at all levels, including national championship events on multiple continents. My suggestion is that racers should build a chassis exactly to these instructions first and try it before making any changes or additions. In my years of running this chassis, I've tried everything I could think of and what is in the tome is what worked!

Here's a pic of a T-Flex built to the instructions in the tome, with a few other tricks that aren't mentioned. (This pic is also included in the PDF.)

(Thanks to Steve Saunders for converting my text file and pic to a PDF.)