Well,I am still trying to decide about a brass chassis build here,but have not totally decided on what to do.I have looked at a retro 36 D inline "jail door" style chassis that Pablo has built,but now am thinking of an angle winder style chassis possibly?????
I have a Shinoda Lamprey. body I have been keeping put back for awhile now,and am considering doing a fairly "wild" type of chassis to go along with it. But for the fact i am NOt very knowledgeable about the era of slot cars past 1967 and on and have NEVER raced them before,I have several questions as to what I need to even consider building .
#1 What style/type of chassis would be "period correct" for the Lamprey of that era and would it ever be able to be raced anywhere currently?
#2 Would I be better off to do a more modern chassis build? I like the style of chassis that is in "Bill form NHs" Avatar,but do not know if it is a modern race style chassis???
#3 With all of these questions I am asking,can anyone give me a "Cliff Notes" version of the evolution of slot car builds from the late 60s up till now??? (Or is this a "TOO loaded" of a question/topic to easily cover?????) I am able to assemble just about anything,but truly DO NOT know how to start off building any type of SERIOUS slot car and what to be doing as far as set up and what I should be looking to do????
I feel really lost here............