The "A tale of two Harveys" saga began when I acquired a Lancer and Dynamic version of the iconic Harvey Aluminum Special body. They are among my favorite 1960's bodies but they were in sad shape.
The link below shows the the bodies "reincarnation" and lots of cool period article about the full size racer:
I've been waffling on how to build up each of these bodies. The Lancer is pretty much a scale body and the Dynamic is a "Low and Wide" racer version. Then I found this period Dynamic bodied racer:
"Floating pans", wide grey rear tires and a Champion powerhouse motor:
This little period "shop car" has become my inspiration for my Dynamic Harvey build and the Champion 517 motor will be rebuilt and power my new build. The roller then goes to my buddy Rodney for a restoration so it will live again.
Here are all the bits and pieces of the original car:
Here's the Champion powerhouse:
Looks a bit rough on the outside:
Next the motor comes apart to see what awaits me inside...........