Hi Ernie,
How much more torque, percentage wise, would you deduce this -_--_-dv%3AeCom%26cm_mmc1%3DUS%26utm_source%3Dshopping%26utm_medium%3Dcse%26utm_term%3D191040571732&linkin_id=8058742&Issdt=180324062257&searchID=p33.bf4fb88788cd4caf8574&DealName=Reebok+Mens+UFC+FK+BLANK+JERSEY+U+in+Black+Size+2XL+-+Combat+Apparel&dlprc=45.0&AR=1&NG=3&NDP=5&PN=1&ST=7&FPT=DSP&NDS=&NMS=&MRS=&PD=&brnId=14305&IsFtr=0&IsSmart=0&op=&CM=&RR=1&IsLps=0&code=&acode=541&category=&HasLink=&ND=&MN=&GR=&lnkId=&SKU=191040571732' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>FK180 has over a similar wind on a FK130 size motor John - please?
I wouldn't know Ernie, and I sure couldn't just deduce it. Someone with a dyno would have to make tests across two groups of arms wound the same on the different stack lengths but in motors that are "identical" except in length.
With the stack, being as tall as it is, how is the balance on this arm?
Beats me. The arm is out for balancing, and I've never done a 180 length arm before. The lams I used are good though and whatever balance issues there are shouldn't be such that they can't be corrected. The stack will also need to be OD ground so I hope the stack length doesn't present problems.