Team Russkit McLaren Mk II car
Posted 26 September 2021 - 04:27 PM
Posted 26 September 2021 - 04:28 PM
Looks really nice Pablo.
Rick Thigpen
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Posted 26 September 2021 - 05:29 PM
Great color, you will not miss that on track.
Posted 28 September 2021 - 10:11 AM
Super clean Pablo.
Rick Thigpen
Check out Steve Okeefe's great web site at its new home here at Slotblog:
The Independent Scratchbuilder
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Posted 28 September 2021 - 12:56 PM
Thanks Capt. Rick
Interior from Noose will arrive soon - roll bar and wing are ready. Outside McLaren roundrels affixed using Micro Set.
Intakes attached with double-sided wing tape and Warmack mirrors secured with my round Lexan gizmos. Russkit emblems are stickers supplied by owner
Pipe nest secured with wing and filament tape
- Slot Car Rod, Peter Horvath, ajd350 and 1 other like this
Paul Wolcott
Posted 28 September 2021 - 01:09 PM
Another way to attach things using your round lexan gizmos is with a hot glue gun.
- Pablo likes this
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.

Posted 28 September 2021 - 01:49 PM
That's a good idea, Bill. Someone with steady hands could make that work with a mini-glue gun
Paul Wolcott
Posted 29 September 2021 - 12:11 AM
And it comes in most colours, so disappears nicely.
Posted 29 September 2021 - 12:00 PM
Thanks Brett. With body attachments like interiors, we are actually attaching tape to paints - not the body. How strong does it need to be? No doubt it's good tape, I plan to get some and try it.
Paul Wolcott
Posted 29 September 2021 - 01:10 PM
Poor guy! No wonder he's looking to his left to see what the heck that thing is under his shoulder. Lol
Nice work Pablo! As always. Love the hot 26D and the lightweight jaildoor. you might even have enough lead on the droparm to make it go around! Just like something i would have built.
- Pablo likes this
Steve Lang
Posted 29 September 2021 - 02:21 PM
Thanks Steve. Havlicek arms always run real cool, so his shoulder will be fine. Airflow down below is restricted by the magnet shim, so it won't hurt to have extra air up top. I could have heated the passenger seat and bulged it inward. But I'm not that skilled with interiors. Trust me, you don't want me to be running around with a hot spoon or scissors
- Peter Horvath and Rotorranch like this
Paul Wolcott
Posted 29 September 2021 - 04:29 PM
Awesome Job Pablo that is nice lookin piece
- Pablo likes this
Posted 29 September 2021 - 05:01 PM
A nice looking body that tops another great looking chassis. Any thoughts why the 4th main main rail is .081" rather than 1/16"? For weight or chassis rigidity stiffness? Have you weighed the completed car to determine how heavy it is? What's next on the itinerary?
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.

Posted 29 September 2021 - 07:39 PM
Thanks Brett. With body attachments like interiors, we are actually attaching tape to paints - not the body. How strong does it need to be?
No doubt it's good tape, I plan to get some and try it.
I use it on both hard plastic bodies and Lexan bodies, same as your beautiful car, the paint, or body mount foam will come away before the tape.
I also use it for interior fitting as it conforms to the body shape nicely and allows better flex between body and interior.
- Pablo likes this
Posted 29 September 2021 - 08:12 PM
Bill, good question about the larger outside rails. You'd have to dig deep into the history of Fred Larimer's car history to get the details like I did. My car is a replica of a race car built by dc-65x from Fred's memory. The actual car doesn't exist. Fred's memory is, the outer set of rails were 1/8 OD in an attempt to stiffen and strengthen the chassis.
My experience and studying of many photos is, no way the big rails were 1/8" on the actual car. So I guessed at it and used .083"-ish rods.
Total car weight is 130 grams
Paul Wolcott
Posted 29 September 2021 - 09:48 PM
For taping things like those you should try tenacious tape, very thin, very conforming and very light.
And it comes in most colours, so disappears nicely.
Brett, I'm old, but not familiar with "tenacious tape". What exactly is it? Is it some sort of plastic material film with a strong adhesive? Perhaps it's sold in the US using another name. I've run into all sorts of different tapes here, but not tenacious. Thanks.
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.

Posted 29 September 2021 - 10:03 PM
Its for fixing rips in those outdoor jackets, definitely sold in the US, thats were I buy it from, and have it shipped to Australia, actually works out cheaper and I get a greater range of colours.
Brett, I'm old, but not familiar with "tenacious tape". What exactly is it? Is it some sort of plastic material film with a strong adhesive? Perhaps it's sold in the US using another name. I've run into all sorts of different tapes here, but not tenacious. Thanks.
Look for it in camping or outdoor stores.
I tested it by sticking some to a scrap piece of plastic, glued some body mounting foam to it, left it over night, when I tried to peel the tape from the plastic the foam tore.
I use it on the PlaFit style chassiss, with lexan bodies.
Its very thin, but strong and the contact adhesive sticks to it a lot better then to filament tape, so you end up using a lot less glue.
Sorry for hijaking your thread Pablo!
Posted 29 September 2021 - 10:18 PM
No problem, it's good info
Paul Wolcott
Posted 29 September 2021 - 10:19 PM
you can find it on ebay also....
Remember, two wrongs don't make a right... but three lefts do! Only you're a block over and a block behind.
Posted 29 September 2021 - 10:23 PM
Thats exactly where I buy from.you can find it on ebay also....
Posted 30 September 2021 - 07:36 AM
Thanks Brett, I had heard of the colored tapes for repairing rip-stop nylon fabrics. Alpha Slot Car Products in WI sold it for body armor at one time, maybe they still do.
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.