Rich C. PM'ed me on Monday, explaining they had issues with the new batch of 102's. I requested that he call me so I could get some details, so I could try to figure what was going on. He was unable to at that moment and said he would get back to me when he could.
That evening, my helper at the raceway, Bernard, asked me for a motor to put in a customer's flexi GTP. I went to the small pile of remaining motors I had, and got my otoscope to see if there was anything different about the brush arms, as Dale Y had mentioned on Saturday night. The first one I picked up, I could see the brushes were hanging off the end of the comm. Everything now made sense. While the motors all ran before I shipped them, I could now see how they might eventually stop, getting hung up on the fiber washer washers, which at .158" dia., are slightly larger than the .150" comm.
I checked the remaining motors in that small pile, and the brushes were all positioned in the correct spot on the comm, and I gave Bernard one to put in the car he was working on, which he did. That car's been tested, runs fine , but hasn't been raced.Bernard has one in his GTP car, that started out OK, got better each subsequent heat, and finished the race a notch slower than the well run G10 motor Michael Iga is dominating Tuesday night, with.The race this past Tuesday, Bernard was even quicker, running just a hair slower than Michael. This is with a motor I wouldn't ship, because it was real "clanky" on the power supply. I get a few of these each batch, that he gets to put in his drag cars, etc.
On Tuesday morning, Rich called me with a race report, citing things I already heard, and explaining why they ran both G10's and G11's for handouts. He added that while he was one of the racers that had a problem with breaking them in, he ultimately put in a G11, qualified 11th out of 38 racers, and ran fine until he dropped out with unrelated issues. I explained that I figured out the likely cause of some motors stopping, or needing a push, and of course acknowledged that they were defective and should be sent back to me. He requested that I take them all back.I said sure, I'll take them back, go through them, and pull out the bad ones, and most likely sell the others to drag racers, where guys had already bought some, and reordered more.
As already mentioned, I've been talking extensively with Matt Sheldon / Duffy Raceway, a big CR102 user. When he placed a guide shoe order early in the week, I asked him about a G11 motor he mentioned that was in a new Flexi Retro coupe he had just built, using a new flexi chassis, that was a bit subpar.
He said that he went a aggressive break in, (as I suggest on the added labels on the cards) and that the motor was now performing well. He than added a couple subsequent motors, broke in with Simple Green, were also running well. He added that he had customers who had issues, but AFAIK, he also wasn't aware of the motors with the brushes hanging off the end. He attributed some of customer motor failures to lack of sideplay. I sort of dismissed that as most of the 102's I've sold in the last 2 + years, don't have sideplay, and they run fine.
Someone sent me a screenshot of Matt Sheldon being the voice of reason in the FB thread that most likely inspired Clyde to make his post. Matt cited all the above, mentioned the 3 he personally touched, were really fast(his exact words), and all had 400+ laps on them.He also offered the tip of the long/thorough break in.One hour dry, or 8-10 seconds in a break-in solution.
Bryan Warmack PM'ed me after he posted the results from the Can Am. He said while guys had problems with some of the motors, during break-in, and testing, he added that he only recalled 2 motors burning in the race, which included the TQ motor, that shattered the record. He also was now aware with the latest info making the rounds, that said TQ motor was geared 13-26. This is absolutely outrageous. A good portion of the post-race angst was based on the TQ racer not lasting one heat. Geared 13-26, IMO making 49 laps is a minor miracle.
In talks with Auburn Raceway, who I had dropshipped some motors, I explaining the possible issue, sending him the below pic.The owner said he witnessed his son-in-law trying 3. One appeared to be defective, while the other 2 ran normal.
I also heard 2nd hand, that at the NERR race at Bristol 1010, on Saturday, 2 or 3 guys had problems in pre-race testing, but that a returning top racer, Eric Gehrken, ran at least one that went the whole race, and performed OK.
I had contacted him prerace, also sending him the below pic, and he confirmed none of his motors looked that way / they appeared normal.
To be continued in the next post.