I actually like the purple too, but I think it fits best on a drag car. I do plan on doing a drag version for sure. So I will save that for that car.
But I felt a color that Bill Thomas chose himself would be fitting. When I saw a pic of him and wife standing next the car that was it.
So the deed is done. The perfect day. 70+ no wind. just gotta watch out for these little flying bugs.
I took into consideration, contrasting black panel lines and the chrome do dads, and I think those details will work well with this color.
I love red but felt it a bit common, I had your dark blue suggestion there in the line up Isaac. But it did not speak to me when I sprayed it out.
Anyway I feel great about the choice. Its in the box drying
Look how happy these guys look
Here is that car! And slot cars even get a mention.
Apologies if this video has already been posted.