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Class EZ

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#26 MSwiss


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Posted 02 January 2022 - 04:22 PM

I disagree that the bushings are the issue with the H7.

Last time I had a racer with a Hawk 7, 2 speeder, I was checking it before the start of every heat, flicking a rear tire with my index finger, and the rear end would spin as freely as can be.

Almost too freely.

How could the bushings be binding up the motor then?

Mike Swiss
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#27 jimht


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Posted 02 January 2022 - 04:32 PM

Irritation rant response time...


Actually, the details of the class are irrelevant. This sort of thing as been done over and over for decades; examples are plentiful.


Is this thread really about amusing existing racers?


They've got umpteen classes and equipment to match and any Raceway does everything it can to accommodate their proclivities and fetishes.

That may not be the best thing but it's what we've got.


Would  a limited class as presented attract new racers?


Would that be a good thing? Sure, BUT, only if it weren't manipulated and changed constantly to satisfy existing racers.


Things existing racers don't like:

Break-out times.

Spec motors.

Spec gears.

Spec bodies.

Clearance rules.

Tire diameter rules.

Etc. etc.


If one sets up a class that has these sort of restrictions, it won't work any better than it has before unless it's left alone; that's the solution.




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Jim Honeycutt


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#28 Eddie Fleming

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Posted 02 January 2022 - 05:25 PM


I would race the JK Box stock series if the Hawk 7 did not have the problems it has.

IMO the Hawk 7 motor bushings are the issue with that motor, 2 step speed and so on.

I will suggest that the motor to use in the JK Box series be changed to the Hawk 7BB.

If JK would offer the BB motor as an option in the RTR cars.


Same motor as the H7 but with Ball Bearings I think.

Use the same spec gearing.


Don't get me wrong, really like the CR 102 motor in my Retro cars, It's fast and reliable.


It's all good Scott


 The motor and the gear are debatable. The concept remains the same good close consistent racing with easy to build and maintain cars. The idea is not to go as fast as we can.

Eddie Fleming

#29 snolde


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Posted 02 January 2022 - 05:30 PM

I disagree that the bushings are the issue with the H7.

Last time I had a racer with a Hawk 7, 2 speeder, I was checking it before the start of every heat, flicking a rear tire with my index finger, and the rear end would spin as freely as can be.

Almost too freely.

How could the bushings be binding up the motor then?

Hi Mike,

I don't think the bushings are binding up the armature, I think the bushings are allowing the armature shaft to rattle around at certain RPM's because the bushing hole is a little too large. 

Scott Nolde

#30 MSwiss


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Posted 02 January 2022 - 05:40 PM

Interesting theory.


I will concede, at least here, the Hawk 7 BB motors haven't had problems.

Mike Swiss
Inventor of the Low CG guide flag 4/20/18
IRRA® Components Committee Chairman
Five-time USRA National Champion (two G7, one G27, two G7 Senior)
Two-time G7 World Champion (1988, 1990), eight G7 main appearances
Eight-time G7 King track single lap world record holder

17B West Ogden Ave., Westmont, IL 60559, (708) 203-8003, mikeswiss86@hotmail.com (also my PayPal address)

Note: Send all USPS packages and mail to: 692 Citadel Drive, Westmont, Illinois 60559

#31 snolde


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Posted 02 January 2022 - 05:55 PM

Interesting theory.


I will concede, at least here, the Hawk 7 BB motors haven't had problems.

No concessions needed Mike not trying to figure out what the problem with the H7 is.

Scott Nolde

#32 gatormark


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Posted 02 January 2022 - 05:57 PM

We run the JK box stock cars,no issues,very close racing.
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Mark Conner

#33 Bill Seitz

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Posted 02 January 2022 - 06:40 PM

An interesting observation I've made over the years is that everyone is different and driving styles are not all the same. Some driving styles lend themselves to certain slot cars over others. I feel certain the individuals suggesting a certain set of production equipment for a restricted class are those that run well with that equipment. Someone else whose driving style is not compatible with the chosen equipment will either seek to be able to modify it so it will work for them, or they'll abandon racing. Persons that suggested the class in the first place like this because it insures everyone will not be competitive or eventually results in fewer competitors so they succeed more.


I'm not a racer. I've tried it a few times and didn't care for it. I'm one of those player guys that Jim Honeycutt refers to every once in a while. I've been in this hobby a long time with roots in the 60's and have seen lots of stuff come and go and come back again, a repeating cycle. I've lost count of how many entry level "ideas" I've seen come and go. Frankly, I'm wondering if the boxstock spec racer doesn't get boring? I'm pretty sure it would for me. My whole reason for enjoying slot cars isn't the competition, it's the building, modifying, designing, and testing slot cars of various types. And I've encountered plenty who would rather just have someone else build and prep the car so they can come and race, and turn it back over to that person to do the maintenance for the next race. Nothing for them to do but show up and race. Don't get me wrong; I'm not against that. In my opinion, variety is wonderful, and slot cars provide plenty of variants for everyone to enjoy, although sometimes the variety is so great there's too small a contingent to be viable - or have a good race turnout.


My length of time and interest in the hobby has led me to accumulate a large stable of cars, one or another of a sizeable variety all for my entertainment. So, when I appear as a stranger to some far flung raceway I'm visiting on my pleasure travels, it's not uncommon for me to get the "evil eye" from the local slot racing community wary of the new competitor that has just come into their presence and how he might dash their chances for a podium or whatever. Ah, well, I'm just here to enjoy myself for a few hours on your new and different track, no bother at all to you and your next podium finish.


Happy New Year!

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#34 JHMerriman


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Posted 02 January 2022 - 07:18 PM

Slots of Fun in Abbeville, SC had a handicap series at one time. It really pushed me to be on my A game every race. If I didnt get the car set up right, it brought others racers into the fight. Its not for everyone, I wasnt a huge fan of it but it seemed to level the playing field.
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James "Merry Muffin" Merriman
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#35 Rich Joslin

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Posted 02 January 2022 - 10:10 PM

Observations from a new racer on Class EZ:

-I don't think it is possible to have one class that will please new and experienced racers. Either have multiple classes, including a Class EZ, or have a class with an amateur and pro division. 

-With a dual division class keep the amateur rules simple and open up the rules a bit for the pro division in an effort to keep the experienced racers interested. Have a process in place that would allow or even require an amateur to move up when ready.

-For class EZ take building out of the equation as much as possible. I'm old and have never used a soldering iron. I think it is safe to assume that those a lot younger than me would say the same thing. I can massage a chassis, prep tires, change and maintain braid, trim and mount a body, swap out the spur gear, etc. but don't ask me to change out motors and pinions if soldering is involved.

-Consider a handicap system like golf uses and have gross and net winners/podiums like golf often does. If the twenty year vet is off his game on a particular night and the new guy breaks his personal total laps record on that night, the net handicap scoring may reward him for the effort with a "win" and keeps him interested while the vet probably still wins under the gross scoring system. I am very competitive and enjoy a good challenge but what will come first, me beating the regulars with their decades of experience or losing interest because I'm stuck in the mid-pack at best?

-Set the rules and don't change them every time someone complains. Try to build some consensus before setting the rules if you'd like but once they are set do your best to keep them consistent from week to week.

-Avoid "track call" races like the plague. There should be a reward for keeping the car in the slot. Track calls reward the opposite and encourage bad driving. 

-Track points, give out stickers or small prizes for podium finishes, post pictures and results on a bulletin board prominently displayed at the track. Turn up the music.

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#36 NSwanberg


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Posted 03 January 2022 - 12:55 AM

How can it get any EZier than this?


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Remember the Steube bar! (ask Raisin)
"The denial of denial is the first sign of denial." Hank, from Corner Gas

"Death before disco!" Wanda from Corner Gas
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#37 John Luongo

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Posted 03 January 2022 - 03:10 AM

must have been the A main. pretty fast, CR 102s, LMP?

#38 jimht


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Posted 03 January 2022 - 11:11 AM

How can it get any EZier than this?


Just an observation: the power was turned off ten times during the heat and there were ~six marshals.


Assuming a three minute heat and running crash and burn with 45 second segments, the power would have gone off automatically 3 times to reset the cars.


As race director, I would not have turned off the power an additional 7 times. maybe a couple for under the bridge.


Fun is where you find it but sometimes catering to slow marshals and poor drivers makes for less fun.  :diablo:  :D 


(Edited because I can't count)

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Jim Honeycutt


"I don't think I'm ever more 'aware' than I am right after I hit my thumb with a hammer." - Jack Handey [Deep Thoughts]

#39 Eddie Fleming

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Posted 03 January 2022 - 11:39 AM

I don't see what post 36-38 have to do with the topic but I agree with Jim's points in #38.

Eddie Fleming

#40 jimht


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Posted 03 January 2022 - 12:06 PM

Threads without thread drift can be repetitively boring.  :laugh2:  OTOH, the OP did refer to the fun of the owner just counting 10 laps and it was over.


Look how far we've come!

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Jim Honeycutt


"I don't think I'm ever more 'aware' than I am right after I hit my thumb with a hammer." - Jack Handey [Deep Thoughts]

#41 NSwanberg


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Posted 04 January 2022 - 03:04 AM

This is the former Pit Pass Gerding track that was in Flint Michigan. It is built very low with short walls and was meant exclusively for wing cars.  Cars were meant to fly off the track and get out of the way of traffic. It is difficult for us to ask people to marshal the Deadman's and the 90. That leads to more track calls than I would like to see, however, for this class of racing I think the participants would rather have the track calls than feel like they are somehow being short changed in the deal. Most of the racing is cleaner than this race was. We had a young lady in her first race and the feeling for this group is that everybody and anybody gets to race. The stints are 2.5 minutes. JK Cheetah 21 ready to run, Hawk-7, 10 37 gears, .765 tires. This race had a 4.4 second break out but I think the racers prefer 4.5 seconds. We had 15 entries and I think fun was had by all. Ron B. won as he only had one breakout and ran a very smart race. 5 year old Gabbie T. was awarded the Rookie of the Race and with all the gear heads in her family she will only get better.

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Remember the Steube bar! (ask Raisin)
"The denial of denial is the first sign of denial." Hank, from Corner Gas

"Death before disco!" Wanda from Corner Gas
Nelson Swanberg 5618

Peace be with all of us and good racing for the rest of us.
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#42 NSwanberg


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Posted 04 January 2022 - 03:06 AM

Wrong thread.

Remember the Steube bar! (ask Raisin)
"The denial of denial is the first sign of denial." Hank, from Corner Gas

"Death before disco!" Wanda from Corner Gas
Nelson Swanberg 5618

Peace be with all of us and good racing for the rest of us.
Have controller. Will travel. Slot Car Heaven

#43 Joe Mig

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Posted 04 January 2022 - 06:32 AM

Some five years Plus years ago we did a vintage race at the world famous Buzz A Rama. It was the brainchild of myself and Buzzy.

He has so much vintage stuff we figured let's do a vintage style race. Buzzy supplied the kit, all parts and accessories. In order to participate you had to purchase this kit from Buzzy and use only what was in the kit to assemble the car and race. Well it was great,a nice little success. He actually supplied us with a monogram chassis kit and a Revlle body. And miscellaneous parts. Even the tires worked from way back when. We planned on doing another one using the different kit but it just never panned out. It was going to be a small Revell kit that came with the motor and it was open wheel. I still have one of the kits and one assembled car I did to give it a try.

With the recent passing of Buzzy and his wife Dolores,(R.I.P).

I'm sure there will be an influx of a vintage stuff on the market. I know they had plenty of vintage slot car kits that who knows maybe could be available.

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#44 Eddie Fleming

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Posted 30 January 2022 - 06:37 PM

I finally got one of these cars on the track today at Atlanta Slot Car. the car is a box stock JK LMP with a CR-102 motor.


It ran rather well with the 12-36 gear. Not a lot of top end but you have tons of brakes, and not hard to drive. I tried it with the brakes dialed way off and with full brakes diving all the way into the corners. I could make either approach work.


The lap times were the same as a good Hawk 7. probably a touch faster.


Just thought I would kind of finish off this thread in case anyone was interested.

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