Here's the finished car less the still to be painted body. I followed Bryan's lead pretty closely. The most obvious difference is my "store bought" period correct drop arm:
The chassis looks pretty tight around the motor to me. Of course it could always be done better.
To Bob's point about the motor bracket providing stiffness, it most certainly does. So does the 1/16" rod running up from the frame rail around that bracket and attaching to the rear axle tube.....which is also stiffened by the 1/4" brass strip connecting the axle tube to both frame rails:
The important thing for me is to try my best to not use my 50 years of 20-20 slot car hindsight to "improve" things. I want to experience the old cars the way they were. But that's just me.
Anyway here's she is:
Hopefully the weather will warm up soon and I can paint.