Another comment from a fellow with little clue and a big mouth.The way I see it you have long way to go before you even get close to Vitters level of building, sorry, bud.
By the way, there is nothing wrong with using a mini torch to solder. I use one and I do not appear to have much problems with my bullet-proof chassis... and they aren't that slow either. Must be them cheater motors.
A mini torch is used to provide higher temp in areas where the best of soldering irons take a long time to heat. One uses the mini torch to pre-heat the area (generally large thick brass-plate), then the iron is used to solder the joint effectively, making the joint "hot" and flowing perfectly. These three chassis were built using only a torch, with no iron involved, because the iron tip was used up and no longer worked. Each kissed the wall pretty hard with little consequences.