Pittman Motors
Posted 27 April 2015 - 03:04 PM
"A man can never possess too many small, electric motors."
Buford T. Tesla, (c. 1927)
Posted 11 May 2015 - 07:57 PM
Here's another shot of the DC106, just to give you an idea how how large it really is! That's a .156" diameter double shaft.
As a youngster in the 60's, I saw a HUGE Pittman in a slotcar shop. By memory, it was about a 5" cube padlock style with double shaft of 3/8" diameter. MMmmm, perhaps someday I'll find one.
I came back to this thread to make a motor comparison post.
This of course caught my eye again.
Well .... do you guys know I have this motor. Do you believe Pitt Man is that generous. The story is, Bob sent me this motor along with a wonderful apropos note as a "Big Thanks" for the first "Rods and Rails" event.
It's right here on the shelf in the 'shop' where I can check it out 'any time I want'. Not in the vault ... nope.
Thanks again Bob !!!!
Now back to my regularly scheduled post:
Faster, lighter, cheaper ...
The DC85-6 - 1963 $6.00
The DC84-6 - 1965 $5.75
The DC84-6 that Pitt Man coached me to win on ebay is going in a RGeo rail kit.
I even think the magnet might be better ... had one of each zapped and the 84 has much more tug .. even some cog on the 5 pole which seem 'rare'.
Could be that the 84 has a shorter stack length but it also has less plates.
The Gizi HighWinder BB (Jap DC65 clone) picked up an even greater increase in magnet strength .. hard to turn with no pinion kinda strong.
Did the Japanese have better Alnico magnets?
I LIKE them .... so far
- Pitt Man likes this
Bob Israelite
Posted 05 June 2015 - 03:12 PM
I am continually blessed by my friends .... and have the shirt to prove it!
Thank you guys ....
Now, tell me Pitt Man if .... I'm going off the rails ...
- Pitt Man and C. J. Bupgoo like this
Bob Israelite
Posted 05 June 2015 - 03:23 PM
That motor rules!!! What model is it?
Posted 05 June 2015 - 03:46 PM
That is a Pitt Man "Pittman 95" Runs on low voltage AC or DC.
Rules? - 'No Magnet yet' Class ... LOL
- SlotStox#53 likes this
Bob Israelite
Posted 05 June 2015 - 05:36 PM
Certainly make a BIG Pittman rail
Or should that be "wide" rail ..
Posted 05 June 2015 - 08:24 PM
The "2 Pounder Class"
Posted 05 June 2015 - 10:04 PM
A hefty 9.36 oz. w/ .156 shaft.
Don't think it could make it in 1/24th. It's so cool... that doesn't matter. Right Pitt Man?
Bob Israelite
Posted 06 June 2015 - 08:59 AM
I fully agree, Bob.
I spend way too much time just admiring these old workhorses.
Just yesterday I spent an hour with another AC jewel.
This one is an AC230. This is very similar to your AC95, except it uses a pair of skid mounts on the bottom, much like Pittman boat motors, instead of mounting on brass end plates.
Also notice the unusual factory wiring, it looks just like coated steel fishing leader!
The high copper content brushes and fiberboard endplates are a bit out of place on it also.
Here are a few shots, it sat perfectly on my old Tradeship balancer.
- Gator Bob and C. J. Bupgoo like this
Posted 06 June 2015 - 08:49 PM
That one is cool, I like the way the mag coil leads have little strain relief tabs and brush holder boxes.
The armatures are really well made, probably good for thousands of hours.
Bob are the AC95 and AC230 about the same size?
OK ... Help Question - With applying "in spec" voltages would powering these with AC or DC create a stronger magnetic field ? Could the armature be feed DC and the mag field AC ?
Bob Israelite
Posted 08 June 2015 - 11:43 AM
Hey Bob,
The AC95 and the AC230 are the same size with different end frames and mounts.
Here is a shot of an AC230 on the left, AC95 on the right and a DC85 in the middle.
As far as mixing up the current flow...I dunno Lead the way for us Gator Tesla
- hiline2 and Gator Bob like this
Posted 08 June 2015 - 09:19 PM
We are getting beefy now !!
Posted 09 June 2015 - 01:03 AM
AC-230 ... Sounds like a new Gunship.
OK so how about this mad scientist idea (?)
- These are 'electro' magnet motors.
- A series wound DC motor RPM is 'limited' by back EMF.... (and not self destruct based on construction/design )
- A DC motor is a generator. As the armature is spun in a permanent magnetic field it produces 'pulsed' DC power.
- If only the electromagnet is 'energized' with AC or DC and the armature is rotating in this magnetic field it would still act as a generator ... Right?
- Three pulses (output) per revolution with a three pole motor, 5 with a five pole.
- That output is 0v to +x volts depending on how 'efficient' the motor/generator is and how fast the armature is spun.
I think if a diode(s) is placed in the circuit ... any back EMF DC power could be 'used' to 'pulse charge' the electromagnet over and above or in addition to its baseline DC (track power) going to both the mag field and armature.
If the timing of the back EMF pulses to the electromagnet are in the proper relation to the location of the stack/field it could (our could it?) increase the total power output.
Makes sense to me?
Where does he come up with this stuff?
Bob Israelite
Posted 09 June 2015 - 01:15 AM
I always enjoyed the engineers that came to the track, told us everything er were doing was wrong or at best inefficient. The ones that came back with their,"improved versions," were usually the most entertaining.
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Mike Boemker