Rob, can I still be your friend if we disagree? I like the build very much, and I learned from it.
I have some comments:
1. "simple $500 mill" "CAD" These are things the "average hobbyist" does not have. You implied the "average hobbyist" has a "mill", and now I feel like I'm less than a pinhead.
"The purpose of this organization is to create a rules structure that is cost-effective for the racer as well as the raceways."
This is an IRRA forum - simple soldering skills.
2. "design elements and their legality are inconsequential to this thread" Wrong. You posted this in an IRRA forum, therefore, it is implied to be IRRA legal. Otherwise, it belongs in the "Scratchbuilding" thread. I'm not saying your chassis is illegal....I'm saying it's legality IS implied by it's placement in the IRRA forum. You have an implied responsibility to adhere to IRRA rules when you post in the IRRA forum.
I do love your chassis, and I hope I didn't disrespect you with my words.
Didn't mean to imply that the average hobbyist had a mill. Was saying they were made on a mill that an average hobbyist could afford. I total up about $150 for an average ProSlot powered retro car built from a $40 kit. Little over the cost of 4 complete cars would pay for the mill. How many slotcars do most people have
This is the first mill that popped up when searching. I'm sure someone could find something cheaper or this model at a better price with some searching
Grizzly I see all kinds of post with people with tumblers, ultra sonic cleaners soldering stations....... it's all about what home shop toys people choose to spend their money on.
I posted in the IRRA portion because it is intended to race. From previous threads I believe the legality came up before and it was said to be legal? Same as others posted about offset Stockcars. If at a latter date if the BOD changes their minds it was still fun and judging by PM's I received it was more importantly informative for allot of people.
No offense taken, I consider you a friend.